Selfies of The Day!

in Liketulast year


During my high school years, my friends would always call me a Selfie Queen. It is because I always take pictures of myself, and put them on my social media platforms.

I think taking selfies has always been a part of me. I am not doing it every day, but whenever I look or feel good, I’d grab my phone for a quick selfie. Then, these photos would be stuck up in my gallery since I barely post them on Instagram or Facebook now. I guess things changed a bit.

I got the chance to take selfies again. Looking at them made me think that maybe it’s worth a share here. I have been seeing other bloggers writing about their random selfies, so why not try it. Let this be my way of saying hi and hello to everyone from wherever part of the world you are. Good vibes and positive thoughts ahead only!

Anyway, I hope you are hanging in there and doing well, buttercup. Sending hugs, love, and peace. ✨🍒

[Liketu Post #16]
[Date Posted: November 27, 2022]
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