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RE: This is A Story About A Place

in Liketulast year

Wassup man? I'm flattered you respect my opinions.

I'm not much help as far as POSH and Twitter because to this day this is my only social media type experience. I've still never been to the Face one, Twitterland or Instawhatever it's called. However, I see POSH'd content regularly on the Blockchain and think any attempt to promote Hive is a good thing.

As far as crossposts, I've never done that—not once. I've had plenty of content crossposted but never did so myself. When I see the same authors repeat the same self crossposts day in/day out, eventually I can't help but to see it as spammy and unnecessary to which I instinctually try to avoid.

If a community member asks for content to be crossposted, then I think that member should do the crossposting. That way it remains neutral. I understand the purpose—give likeminded individuals access to content they may not have otherwise located. But unless it's being crossposted by a neutral, third party, I'm not a fan of it.

Hope that helps.

If any time you attempt these things we talk about and achieve different results, I'm all eyes. 👊🏼