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RE: It's Not Every Day You Find A Couple Ounces Of Heroin in The Street

in Liketu2 years ago

Hey you! This is a nice surprise. How's the new location settling in?

First thing that comes to mind is a bad deal or someone got busted but those are easily eliminated so I can't explain it. Just film it I guess.

Thank you.


The video would make a good prompt for a creative writing contest. Something like

An old man, covered in layer after layer of ragged clothing and clutching an unwieldly collection of tattered plastic shopping bags, was walking unsteadily down the block. A passing car slowed just enough to hand the man another bag, As she leaned from the passenger window, she said "Here old man, you'll be glad you have this, it's worth a fortune." He tripped stepping into the street, struggled to add her offering to his already well blossomed collection, thanked her for her kindness, and continued his trek down the street, this time in the gutter.

As he hobbled along, and unbeknownst to him, the latest addition to his bags was dribbling its valuable load, piece by piece through a tiny hole in its bottom, into the gutter. A laughing fellow happened upon these droppings, made a 30 second video of the droppings, then picked them up with his bare hands and made a blog post about it. He is hoping today he won't test positive on his drug test tomorrow for his new position at the DEA.

I'm not at my best, thank you for asking, but I do like it here.

You're welcome. That was a fun read.

Don't pi.. Ew don't tou... don't, what if.. Oh my God I can't believe you just did that, really?? Another one... are you? I can't believe you're picking them up, you better wash your hands. What if it gets on you?

Says Pura whom the fellow never ceases to amaze and, just as quickly as he picked them up, he urgently pleaded "quick! Get a picture, hurry. No, not that one, there's a shadow in it."

= }

Your turn.

He had always admired the character of Flask in Moby Dick, third something or other on board, and a jolly old fellow at that, He decided Pura was probably right, and began picking the tiny bags up with the tip of his lance, which he never left home without.

I don't know how much more of this I can do my friend. I have actual duties to attend to!

No problem. Thank you, that was fun. It's probably inappropriate but I can't help it when I see Moby Dick. My cousin had a chihuahua at one time, his name was Moby, you'll never guess why dot dot dot dot.

I miss you!

I've been moping. My son died. It has been very hard. But my garden is cranking out food, and I got some planting done for fall crops, so not all is lost.
Thanks for thinking of me!

Oh honey. Heart breaks .. can't imagine the grief you are feeling. What happened, if you don't mind me asking. What complicated feelings you must be going through, or perhaps just the painful rawness of his absence. Oh dear I'm lost for adequate words.