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RE: It's Not Every Day You Find A Couple Ounces Of Heroin in The Street

in Liketu2 years ago (edited)

How do you know it was heroin? I travel through airports with those baggies all the time filled with salt for my netti pot. I half do it for the pat downs and half to make a quick buck if I need to make a quick $20 when walking in the parks...

!gif baggie


Well, I don't. It wasn't salt. I actually can't tell you what heroin looks like other than what it looks like on TV. Thank God I never tried that one. Everyone I know who's been there never gets away. The wet ones were kinda yellowy if that means anything.

I don't think it was crank either, too chunky. Guess it could've been fentanyl but heroin sounds so much dirtier.

Thanks man.