The rapidly incoming clouds

in Liketulast year


The weather in Austria has taken a turn over the week with bringing in some sweet sun. 'Kaiserwetter'is what they call it. Weather of the emperor, the best that is possible. Sun and clear skies

Today the weather had a side note on it. The skies were still clear but the wind started to pick up, usually a sign of a change of the weather. As today also all started of clear, and later on all of a sudden clouds starting pushing up from the valley in no time. Actually a really cool spectacle to see, because it went so damn fast.

All of a sudden the sight was gone. No contrast, all white, nothing to see, no orientation. And just as fast as it came it went again, leaving a window to sneak out. But now its snowing...a small fresh layer is never a bad thing.

Beautiful sights again!

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