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RE: It's Not Every Day You Find A Couple Ounces Of Heroin in The Street

in Liketu • 2 years ago

Looks like it was running down the gutters while it was raining or something.
So weird.
What did you do with it? Turn it in or smoke it yourself? 🤣

 2 years ago (edited) 

Rain? In England? Naahhh.

Whaddup Leaky. Tough one to explain. I can't tell you exactly what it is, assuming it's either hair-on or fentanyl but whatever it is, it's a lot.

Pura was trippin, "don't touch.. oh my.. I can't.. No.. You really did that."

'Hurry, take a picture.'

I did the Usher all the way down the sidewalk on it.

Haha now your fingerprints are all over that shit. Police (or maybe Interpol) will be knocking on your door (hotel door?) any minute now.

Any minute?! Windows open—stat! Fans are full max, gotta ventilate this joint immediately cuz if they come right now I'm a sitting duck!