Shouxian Pavilion

in Liketu2 years ago


Recently, I have been indulging with my colleagues. I can't control my mouth, thinking about where to eat, or because I am tired of the food in the cafeteria and want to change my taste. No matter what, there are always a few days in life to let me Been more comfortable. Yesterday we ate at Shouxianting Japanese Restaurant. We ordered a beef sukiyaki pot and a fried chicken. The fried chicken tasted great when it was hot. It was juicy in one bite and served with tomato sauce. Perfect, with some green salad on the side, the vegetables in this salad turned out to be sweet, I liked it very much. And this beef sukiyaki pot, boiled for a while before eating, the soup in the middle splashed out, and when I went to turn off the fire, I knocked over the barley tea on the side and wet my skirt, which was very embarrassing. I hope life is like this every day.
By the way, today is Mother's Day, here I wish all mothers a happy holiday!

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Happy Mother's Day! The food looks amazing! I hope you had a good meal! 😃👏🌸🌸
🥦 !love 🥦

Thank you

c'est bien de préparer sa propre nourriture à la maison de temps en temps ,ici je prépare la nourriture souvent à la maison
j'ai publié un article sur liketu . mais je pense je n'ai pas intégré la communauté encore je ne vois pas le logo sur les photos . dur dur,