I'm back, after a short break

in Liketu • 2 years ago


💕 Hello Hive Community! 💕

No se si han notado que no he estado tan activa en mi blog de Hive, pero últimamente me he tomado un pequeño tiempo para descansar ya que el estrés es muy grande. La verdad es que, no se muy bien como regresar a mi actividad diaria en Hive, porque mi creatividad esta increíblemente seca, pero si tengo temas interesantes que comentar y creo que comenzare a escribir sobre ello.

*I don't know if you have noticed that I have not been so active in my Hive blog, but lately I have been taking a little time to rest since the stress is so great. The truth is, I don't really know how to get back to my daily activity in Hive, because my creativity is incredibly dry, but I do have interesting topics to comment on and I think I will start writing about it. *

For the best experience view this post on Liketu


Good to have you back! Don't worry about the creativity, it goes in ebbs and flows... some times you'll have too much and some times you won't have any... it's the way it goes.

Welcome back! Take your time, it just normal to have some dry run and to feel stressed, take it slow sometimes!
Enjoy life ! 🙃
