Creeping woodsorrel (plant) - Acedera (planta).

in Hive Mexico2 years ago
The species in photographs is sometimes confused with clovers (genus Trifolium), but it belongs to the genus Oxalis and although it is similar to the species stricta and exilis, it appears to be corniculata.

La especie en las fotografías a veces se confunde con los tréboles (género Trifolium), pero pertenece al género Oxalis y aunque es similar a las especies stricta y exilis, parece ser corniculata.

Oxalis corniculata, commonly known as "creeping woodsorrel", is a creeping herb which grows to about 50 centimeters in long in grasslands, vacant plots, and roadsides.

Oxalis corniculata, conocida comúnmente como "acedera", es una hierba rastrera que crece hasta unos 50 centímetros de longitud en pastizales, terrenos baldíos y bordes de las carreteras.

The leaves are compound, alternate and stipulate. The stipules are minute. The petiole is slender and up to 10 centimeters long. The leaf consists of three obcordate leaflets (heart-shaped), dull green.

Las hojas son compuestas, alternas y estipuladas. Las estípulas son diminutas. El pecíolo es delgado y de hasta 10 centímetros de longitud. La hoja consta de tres foliolos obcordados (en forma de corazón), de color verde apagado.

It should be noted that research has been carried out on this plant in various fields, for example, related to medicine, the fresh whole plant has been dried and pulverized to obtain ethanol extracts, which were then used in tests with mice, demonstrating that the extract attenuated the anxiety parameters that were evaluated. This suggested that the ethanolic extract of Oxalis corniculata may possess anxiolytic activity.

Cabe destacar que sobre esta planta se han realizado investigaciones en diversos ámbitos, por ejemplo, relacionadas con la medicina, la planta entera y fresca ha sido secada y pulverizada para obtener extractos de etanol, que luego fueron utilizados en pruebas con ratones, demostrando que el extracto atenuó los parámetros de ansiedad que fueron evaluados. Esto sugirió que el extracto etanólico de Oxalis corniculata puede poseer actividad ansiolítica.

Carbon tetrachloride induces oxidative stress in various tissues by altering the antioxidant enzyme defense system. In this regard, the protective role of methanol extracts of the aerial parts of Oxalis corniculata on carbon tetrachloride-induced nephrotoxicity in rats has also been investigated, and the results produced beneficial effects against the induced oxidative damage, which was attributed to the antioxidant effects of flavonoids found in appreciable quantities in the plant.

El tetracloruro de carbono induce estrés oxidativo en varios tejidos alterando el sistema de defensa de las enzimas antioxidantes. En tal sentido, también se ha investigado el papel protector de extractos de metanol de las partes aéreas de Oxalis corniculata sobre la nefrotoxicidad inducida por el tetracloruro de carbono en ratas, y los resultados produjeron efectos beneficiosos contra el daño oxidativo inducido, lo cual se atribuyó a los efectos antioxidantes de los flavonoides que se encuentran en cantidades apreciables en la planta.

Not only ethanol and methanol extracts of the plant have been evaluated, but also in rats, the protective potential of the aqueous extract of Oxalis corniculata leaves against isoproterenol-induced myocardial infarction has been evaluated in rats. The results have shown that the altered activity of cardiac marker enzymes by isoproterenol was protected by pretreatment with aqueous extract of Oxalis corniculata offering significant protection to the myocardium against damage caused by isoproterenol-induced hyperlipidemia and oxidative stress. The protective effect was attributed to the antioxidant and antihyperlipidemic activities of the extract.

No solo los extractos de etanol y metanol de la planta han sido evaluados, también en ratas, ha sido evaluado el potencial protector del extracto acuoso de las hojas de Oxalis corniculata contra el infarto de miocardio inducido por isoproterenol en ratas. Los resultados han mostrado que la actividad alterada de las enzimas marcadoras cardíacas por el isoproterenol fue protegida por el pretratamiento con extracto acuoso de Oxalis corniculata ofreciendo una protección significativa al miocardio contra el daño causado por la hiperlipidemia y el estrés oxidativo inducidos por el isoproterenol. El efecto protector fue atribuido a las actividades antioxidantes y antihiperlipidémicas del extracto.

The calyx of the flower comprises of five sepals up to 5 millimeters long and are oblong-lanceolate. The corolla includes five golden yellow petals, oblong to obovate, up to 1 centimeter long.

El cáliz de la flor consta de cinco sépalos de hasta 5 milímetros de longitud y son oblongo-lanceolados. La corola incluye cinco pétalos de color amarillo dorado, entre oblongos y obovados, de hasta 1 centímetro de longitud.

In another field, I highlight a study conducted with the purpose of using this plant in phytoremediation, which is a technique for the remediation of soils contaminated with heavy metals. Some researchers have studied Oxalis corniculata in solution with different concentrations of mercury and found that most of the mercury was transferred to the stems and leaves of the plant, suggesting that the plant was a potential candidate for mercury extraction. In that sense, other researchers evaluated the ability of Oxalis corniculata to extract mercury from contaminated soils, but taking into account that enhancer assisted-phytoremediation might be a good way to solve remediation efficiency problems. This refers to the use of enhancers, such as chelating agents, to hasten phytoremediation by transforming less bioavailable metal to bioavailable fractions in soils and enhancing metal transfer in plants.

En otro ámbito, destaco un estudio realizado con fines de utilizar esta planta en la fitorremediación, que es una técnica para la recuperación de los suelos contaminados con metales pesados. Algunos investigadores han estudiado a Oxalis corniculata en solución con diferentes concentraciones de mercurio y descubrieron que la mayor parte del mercurio se transfería a los tallos y las hojas de la planta, esto sugirió que la planta era una candidata potencial para la extracción de mercurio. En tal sentido, otros investigadores evaluaron la capacidad de Oxalis corniculata para extraer el mercurio de los suelos contaminados, pero tomando en cuenta que la fitorremediación asistida por potenciadores podría ser una buena forma de resolver los problemas de eficacia de la remediación. Esto se refiere al uso de potenciadores, como los agentes quelantes, para acelerar la fitorremediación transformando el metal menos biodisponible en fracciones biodisponibles en los suelos y mejorando la transferencia de metales en las plantas.

As enhancers or accelerants of the phytoremediation process they used sodium thiosulfate, ammonium thiosulfate, ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid and diethylenetriaminepentaacetic acid, finding that the maximal mercury content of the aerial parts treated with enhancers increased compared to Oxalis corniculata without enhancers, and the one that showed the best potential to recover and reclaim mercury-contaminated soils was sodium thiosulfate.

Como potenciadores o aceleradores del proceso de fitorremediación utilizaron tiosulfato de sodio, tiosulfato de amonio, ácido etilendiaminotetraacético y ácido dietilentriaminopentaacético, encontrando que el contenido máximo de mercurio de las partes aéreas tratadas con potenciadores aumentó en comparación con Oxalis corniculata sin potenciadores, y el que mostró el mejor potencial para recuperar y sanear suelos contaminados con mercurio, fue el tiosulfato de sodio.

It should be noted that Oxalis corniculata has not only been used as a plant in phytoremediation, but its aqueous extract has also been used as an enhancer of the phytoremediation process in combination with the aqueous extract of the Medicago sativa plant and citric acid. All three to accelerate the process in soil contaminated with cadmium and zinc that was remediated by the plant Sedum alfredii.

Cabe destacar que Oxalis corniculata no solo ha sido utilizada como planta en fitorremediación, sino que su extracto acuoso también ha sido empleado como potenciador del proceso de fitorremediación en combinación con el extracto acuoso de la planta Medicago sativa y ácido cítrico. Los tres para acelerar el proceso en suelo contaminado con cadmio y cinc que fue remediado por la planta Sedum alfredii.

The fruits are capsules that are bullet-shaped, pentagonal, hairy, up to 2 centimeters long. Their position on the plant is always vertical and they are also dehiscent, that is, they open spontaneously to disperse their numerous seeds.

Los frutos son cápsulas que tienen forma de bala, pentagonales, peludos, de hasta 2 centímetros de longitud. La posición en la planta siempre es con tendencia vertical y también son dehiscentes, es decir, se abren espontáneamente para dispersar sus numerosas semillas.

Finally, flavonoids present in plants cannot be synthesized by insects, but butterflies larvae belonging to the families Satyridae, Papliionidae and Lycaenidae frequently sequestrate dietary flavonoids from their host plants in the larval stages and store them in their wings.

Finalmente comentar que los flavonoides presentes en la planta no pueden ser sintetizados por los insectos, pero las larvas de las mariposas pertenecientes a las familias Satyridae, Papliionidae y Lycaenidae suelen secuestrar los flavonoides de la dieta de sus plantas hospedadoras en las fases larvarias y los almacenan en sus alas.

The larvae of the butterfly Pseudozizeeria maha are monophagous and feed exclusively on the leaves of Oxalis corniculata. Researches results have suggested that flavonoids sequestered in the larval stage might be useful for host mimicry against predators and that the ability to accumulate might have been acquired by selection pressure, such as avian predation. They further indicate the possibility that flavonoids are used not only in wing coloration, but also as a chemical defense compound against natural threats.

Las larvas de la mariposa Pseudozizeeria maha son monófagas y se alimentan exclusivamente de las hojas de Oxalis corniculata. Resultados de investigaciones han sugerido que los flavonoides secuestrados en la fase larvaria podrían ser útiles para el mimetismo del huésped contra los depredadores y que la capacidad de acumulación podría haber sido adquirida por la presión de selección, como la depredación aviar. Además indican la posibilidad de que los flavonoides se utilicen no solo en la coloración de las alas, sino también como compuesto químico de defensa contra las amenazas naturales.

Credits/créditos: Butterflyrajib (Wikimedia Commons) CC BY-SA 4.0; Butterflyrajib (Wikimedia Commons) CC BY-SA 4.0.

References - Referencias

Images captured with Fujifilm FinePix Z90 digital camera.

Imágenes capturadas con cámara digital Fujifilm FinePix Z90.


What's more difficult, remembering the words for all the genera and species, or recognizing the plants visually? Or is there a mutual relationship where one helps the other?

Your questions are very interesting. I will answer you generalizing according to my experience.

I have worked with cacti of the genus Opuntia which has several species, some are very similar in the shape of the pads and differ in the amount of spines, others are similar in the shape of the pads but also the spines and differ in the flowers. In that sense, I can remember the words of several genera and species but to recognize them visually I would need, in the extreme, to see the flowers.

The cactus in the following photo is of the species Opuntia boldinghii, and a taxonomist at a university said that this was the species without needing to see the flowers, only by analyzing the pads in detail, and indeed this is the species.


For the cactus in the following photo a biologist expert in cacti, who has even collaborated with others writing books, told me that it looked like the species Pseudoacanthocereus sicariguensis, then I told him that I had thought it was of the genus Acanthocereus, and he told me to send him a photo when it had flowers.


If you know several genera, by looking at a plant, you can get an idea of a specific genus, for the species further analysis is required. Experience helps.

On the other hand, I once assumed that the spider in the following photo was the species Leucauge argyrobapta, but a biologist told me, that although it looked very similar, it was of the genus but one could not affirm the species just by looking at photos, but had to compare the genitalia.


Finally, one day I assumed that the insect in the following photo was the species Xylocopa augusti, but a professor disagreed, pointing me to the subgenus Neoxylocopa.


Very attentive reply! Thanks! I think an extended version of this would make a good post; for some reason I feel many people would like to know about this, whether they've ever consciously asked themselves about it or not.

I thought the same thing while I was answering you, and that's partly why I found your question very interesting.

Your pictures are truly beautiful. Here, it is still too cold for any plant to blossom... :/

Thanks, here we are in the dry season (November-May) which is when flowering predominantly occurs, in the rainy season (May-November) some bloom.

One of the marvels of a planet with seasons ;)

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