Sigue tu camino (Follow your way)

in GEMS3 years ago



Feliz día, comunidad de @gems. En esta ocasión deseo hablarles sobre un tema que afecta a muchas personas, al punto, que las deja sin rumbo fijo en la vida, y es la indecisión.

Desde que somos niños y podemos tomar nuestras decisiones, encontramos un amplio número de alternativas, que nos hacen dudar de las decisiones tomadas, por el simple motivo que las cosas no siempre salen como deseamos, o en el momento en que aspiramos que sucedan.

Tal vez pienses que el problema comienza con la adolescencia, pero trata de recordar cuando eras niño y te costaba elegir el sabor de helado, la cubierta que le ibas a poner, el número de bolas a comer, la heladería a visitar, o cuando ibas a comer hamburguesas y te costaba elegir el tipo de hamburguesa, para luego encontrarte con la dura elección del sabor del refresco a pedir.

Luego llegamos a la adolescencia y nos toca elegir el liceo al que vamos a asistir, el turno que nos conviene, el deporte a practicar, el grupo del que vamos a ser parte, el instrumento musical a aprender, entre otras difíciles decisiones, que al tomarlas y no recibir las consecuencias esperadas, nos hacían dudar de nuestra habilidad para decidir.

Más tarde nos toca elegir universidad, carrera a estudiar, pero el deporte y el instrumento musical ya no parecen tan difíciles porque lo resolvimos en la secundaria. En fin, cada etapa trae consigo muchas decisiones a tomar, pero ahí está lo bonito de la vida, en poder elegir, en tener la facultad de equivocarse, en saber reconocer el error, corregir y seguir adelante.

Estoy seguro que como yo, y miles de millones de personas en todo el mundo, has tenido consecuencias indeseadas en tu vida, pero no te has dado por vencido, sino que has tomado la decisión de seguir adelante, y eso es lo que te hace un vencedor.

Una persona valiente no es la que no siente miedo, sino la que lo vence, la que avanza aun con mucho temor, la que libra las batallas sin estar seguro de vencer, pero con las convicción que debe vencer.

Un vencedor no es aquella persona que no pierde, sino la que no se rinde, así que, cuando te tropieces, procura no caerte, y si te caes, haz el esfuerzo de levantarte y seguir, porque ten por seguro que en el camino encontrarás personas que valen el esfuerzo conocerlas, lugares que marcarán tu vida, momentos que no olvidarás, pero sobre todo, la satisfacción de saberte un vencedor.

Sabiendo esto, no queda más que decirte que sigas tu camino, el que hayas elegido. Si deseas ser artista, no dejes de practicar tu arte, sea este música, escultura, deporte, pintura, carpintería, y muchas más, porque te digo que los mejores artistas no son los que nacen con la habilidad para serlo, sino aquellos que se someten a la disciplina necesaria y nunca se rinden.

Otra cosa, nunca es tarde para comenzar alguna actividad nueva, estudiar una carrera, aprender algún instrumento musical, convertirte en repostero, cocinero, hasta en conferencista, porque estoy seguro que sabes muchas que millones de personas no saben.

Por último, te pido que no menosprecies tus habilidades, no te compares con los demás, a quien debes superar a tu yo de ayer, y verás que el camino ha valido la pena recorrerlo.

Si te gustó este mensaje, puedes compartirlo en tus redes sociales para que toque muchas vidas. Feliz día.

Happy day, @gems community. On this occasion I want to talk to you about a topic that affects many people, to the point, that leaves them with no fixed direction in life, and that is indecision.

Since we are children and we can make our decisions, we find a large number of alternatives, which make us doubt the decisions made, for the simple reason that things do not always go as we wish, or at the time we aspire them to happen.

You may think that the problem begins with adolescence, but try to remember when you were a child and you had trouble choosing the flavor of ice cream, the topping you were going to put on it, the number of scoops to eat, the ice cream parlor to visit, or when you were going to eat hamburgers and you had trouble choosing the type of hamburger, and then you found yourself with the hard choice of the flavor of soda to order.

Then we reach adolescence and we have to choose the high school we are going to attend, the shift that suits us, the sport to practice, the group we are going to be part of, the musical instrument to learn, among other difficult decisions, that when we made them and did not receive the expected consequences, made us doubt our ability to decide.

Later we have to choose a university, a career to study, but the sport and the musical instrument no longer seem so difficult because we solved them in high school. In short, each stage brings with it many decisions to make, but that is the beauty of life, in being able to choose, in having the ability to make mistakes, in knowing how to recognize the error, correct and move forward.

I am sure that like me, and billions of people around the world, you have had undesired consequences in your life, but you have not given up, you have made the decision to move forward, and that is what makes you a winner.

A brave person is not the one who does not feel fear, but the one who overcomes it, the one who moves forward even with much fear, the one who fights battles without being sure of winning, but with the conviction that he must win.

A winner is not the person who does not lose, but the one who does not give up, so, when you stumble, try not to fall, and if you fall, make the effort to get up and continue, because rest assured that along the way you will find people worth the effort to meet, places that will mark your life, moments that you will not forget, but above all, the satisfaction of knowing you are a winner.

Knowing this, there is nothing left but to tell you to follow your path, the one you have chosen. If you want to be an artist, do not stop practicing your art, be it music, sculpture, sports, painting, carpentry, and many more, because I tell you that the best artists are not those who are born with the ability to be one, but those who submit to the necessary discipline and never give up.

Another thing, it is never too late to start some new activity, study a career, learn a musical instrument, become a baker, a cook, even a lecturer, because I am sure you know many things that millions of people do not know.

Finally, I ask you not to belittle your abilities, do not compare yourself with others, who you must surpass your yesterday self, and you will see that the road has been worth traveling.

If you liked this message, you can share it on your social networks so that it touches many lives. Happy day to you.


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