Corporate social responsibility and vocational education

in GEMS3 years ago

Startup ideas

Most of the companies with less international projection, have dedicated themselves to the contribution in regional and local contexts through corporate social responsibility, which is much discussed at international level and there are many initiatives that have been developed to promote a business conduct that goes beyond the simple generation of profits, and that incorporates social and environmental aspects within the business strategy.

Source (Pixabay)

Thematic development

Therefore, companies should contribute to the development of their immediate social context, being the local, the sector, the population where the organization is located, where social responsibility actions should be manifested first, but this should go beyond, in the sense of collaborating with the development of the region, through corporate social responsibility and vocational education programs.

A point to highlight in all of the above is the participation in the educational processes, since the alternative of linking education with organizations has two types of articulation: the alternation and the school-company partnerships.

Source (Pixabay)

Closing of the theme

As for the alternation, it originates with the idea of training for work understood as vocational education, which cannot be developed only in educational centers nor only in organizations, but there must be a mutual collaboration between education in all its stages (predominantly conceptual and theoretical) and performance in real production circumstances, in addition to the necessary collaboration of companies in the implementation of economic and technological support programs for educational strengthening within society.

Key words: organizational, working conditions, information policy, development local.


Transformational leadership and contextual performance
are the main factors that most influence organizational culture.

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