Some kind of protection/ Algún tipo de prevención. Comic strip by Alejandra.Her

in GEMS4 years ago


Sometimes the symptoms of a heartbreaker are obvious, but we still move forward to crash into it.

My advice: let's be aware and apply the prevention code.



Versión en español

A veces los síntomas de un rompecorazones son obvios, pero igual avanzamos a estrellarnos contra él.

Mi consejo: seamos conscientes y apliquemos las medidas necesarias.




Process/ Proceso


If you like my work, visit my Instagram account



Manually curated by blacklux 💡 from the Qurator Team. Keep up the good work!

A digital artistic drawing that represents the precaution that must be had in front of certain feelings or people that are not suitable for one. A great job finished with multiple details that make it look impressive.

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