[ESP/ENG] BLOGGING CHALLENGE 02: Soy Optimista / I'm an Optimist

in GEMS3 years ago


Hoy es el día 28 del blogging challenge y me siento muy optimista del futuro. Aunque el futuro es incierto, yo recorro mi camino con entusiasmo y fe de que todo va ir de maravilla y voy a lograr cumplir mis objetivos, me considero una persona muy optimista.

Creo en el poder de la mente, los pensamientos positivos atraen vibraciones positivas, por lo tanto cosas buenas. Cuando emprendo un proyecto me concentro en hacerlo con buenas energías, trabajo muy motivada y siempre espero en que todo va a resultar un éxito. Considerando siempre las fallas que puedan ocurrir para tomar los correctivos necesarios, me gusta tener un plan opcional.


Today is the 28th day of the blogging challenge and I am very optimistic about the future. Although the future is uncertain, I walk my way with enthusiasm and faith that everything is going to be great and I will achieve my goals, I consider myself a very optimistic person.
I believe in the power of the mind, positive thoughts attract positive vibes, therefore good things. When I start a project I focus on doing it with good energy, I work very motivated and I always hope that everything will be successful. Always considering the failures that may occur to take the necessary corrections, I like to have an optional plan.

Aunque las cosas no vayan muy bien en mi vida siempre pienso que todo puede mejorar en cualquier momento, no me rindo y lucho por las cosas que quiero hasta conseguirlas. También me gusta rodearme de personas optimistas y que aporten buenas vibras a nuestra relación. Me deprimen esas personas que siempre se quejan por todo y tiran la toalla ante cualquier problema, no luchan por lo que quieren.


Even if things are not going very well in my life, I always think that everything can improve at any moment, I don't give up and I fight for the things I want until I get them. I also like to surround myself with optimistic people who bring good vibes to our relationship. I get depressed by those people who always complain about everything and throw in the towel in the face of any problem, they don't fight for what they want.

Existen personas que antes de comenzar algo tienen en la mente que todo les va a salir mal, sienten temor y les invade una sensación de derrota, por lo que nunca se atreven a emprender un proyecto, dejan pasar la oportunidad que se les presenta. Yo al contrario de estas personas, siempre estoy a la espera de esa oportunidad, no quiero desaprovechar ninguna opción.


Pienso que ser una persona pesimista te limita, no te permite soñar en hacer grandes cosas. La vida hay que vivirla con optimismo y ganas de triunfar en la vida, visualízate siempre en la cima de la montaña, allí es donde te mereces estar.

There are people who before starting something have in mind that everything is going to go wrong, they feel fear and a feeling of defeat invades them, so they never dare to undertake a project, they miss the opportunity that is presented to them. Unlike these people, I am always waiting for that opportunity, I don't want to miss out on any option.
I think that being a pessimistic person limits you, it doesn't allow you to dream of doing great things. Life must be lived with optimism and the desire to succeed in life, always visualize yourself on the top of the mountain, that is where you deserve to be.



This is a good mindset you have here dear.
Only an adjustment I would like to see is that you don't have to feel depressed by such people any longer because it would inadvertently cause you harm!

Just learn to cut off some people that deem useless in your life.


I alway try to avoid such kind of people, however they show up sometimes as family or in general rlly close people to me, In that case I just try to make them see the good on things, my point of view.

Sometimes it is complicate but I always try my best! 😁

Thank you!!


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