Some photos from the Arakhley lake. We not only had a rest, but also fished.

in GEMS4 years ago

Some photos from the Arakhley lake. We not only had a rest, but also fished.
That's what Roman caught, and his parents also swam on the boat and fished. Do you know what this fish is called?
With that fish, you can cook very tasty dishes, including fish soup, or you can bake over a fire.
Pike is a predatory fish. it is found everywhere, in almost all bodies of water, it does not matter deep or not, lakes, rivers and ponds. Pike comes in different sizes.

It can grow more than a meter, the largest pike weighs about 30 kilograms, possibly more. This is more than half of me))
If I could catch one, the fish would be enough for a couple of months. In our family, weights love fish, we often cook different dishes with fish.
I especially like the fish on the fire. It is soaked in haze and becomes incredibly tasty.

Немного фото с озера Арахлей. Мы не только отдыхали, но и ловили рыбу.
Вот что поймал Роман, да и родители тоже на лодке заплывали и ловили рыбу. Знаете как называется эта рыба?
С той рыбы можно приготовить очень вкусные блюда в том числе уха рыбная, или же можно запекать на костре.
Щука хищная рыба. она водится везде, практически во всех водоемах, не важно глубокие или нет, озерах, реках и прудах. Щука бывает разных размеров.

Она может вырасти больше метра, самая большая щука достигает вес около 30 килограмм, возможно и больше. Это большая половина меня))
Вот бы поймать такую, рыбы бы хватило на пару месяцев. В нашей семье вес любят рыбу, мы часто готовим с рыбы разные блюда.
Мне особенно нравится рыба на костре. Она пропитывается дымков и стает нереально вкусная.


I love to go fishing. Its so calming and relaxing. Arakhley lake looks like a nice quiet lake. I noticed on the maps that there are several lakes next to it. Do you guys ever fish or visit those too?

I've never caught any pike before are they difficult and fight hard?

Looks like it was a good time.

parents went to the lake by boat. There was a good catch. But I'm not a fishing fan =)

I can understand. Fishing can get pretty messy. Scales get everywhere the baits icky often times. Sometimes you just feel bad for the fish. I have a friend who takes fishing too seriously he'll stay out till 3am until hes gotten his legal limit of fish to catch and he goes nuts if he doesnt catch anything. I always try to explain to him that the fun of fishing isnt necessarily about catching the fish. Its about being out on s boat where its peaceful and having an excuse to do nothing but chill out

yes, I'm sorry for the fish. but I love her) and very helpful.

We never had them...quite an interesting catch...for cookingbwe prefer to have our fresh water dishes.. we call them rohu and katla

very interesting, I would love to taste your dishes