How Crazy Do You Want Your Dreams?

in GEMS3 years ago


Without pressure, we are just someone who enjoys relaxing, and hates pain. And we're indifferent to things about gain and getting better.

We even have to force ourselves to be better and rise above this laziness every day. Trust me, it's not easy to be motivated to do positive things for self-development. There are lots of people who are not lucky enough to be motivated.


How Crazy Do You Want Your Dreams?

We know we have to be realistic because we are living in the present, not living the dream. But to become someone successful, we must be able to manage our dreams so that we work for ourselves.

Wanting crazy dreams and goals doesn't mean you are unrealistic. There will be many people who will laugh at you and your dreams. Continue to focus on yourself and your dreams no matter what other people's perceptions of you are.


Committed and Consistent

There will be a difference between the dreams you want badly and the dreams you want only modestly. The dream that you want crazy will make you have a lot of positive energy, have enthusiasm at all times, and are not afraid of pain while struggling and in the process.

We will not give up easily on the dreams we want bad. We have positive hope for the future as well as care about the present life with the people around you.


Be consistent!

Image Sources: 1; 2; 3.