How I Met My Princess My Birth Story

in GEMS3 years ago

I do not know how life can be so colorful and beautiful. I had only black and white colors in my life. After I became my daughter, my life turned into a rainbow. A sun rose in my house. Winter ended, spring came. emotion is to meet you.


My witch girl decided to surprise us on Friday, November 13, but she gave up whatever happened. The dealers disappeared suddenly. We call her the witch because it is Friday and the 13th. Two weeks passed and we met with my daughter on Thursday, November 26th.


I started to think that there will be no normal birth anymore because I have been waiting for two weeks by saying that there will be birth at any moment. And when the contractions started, that's why I didn't care about false contractions anymore. It was 3 in the middle of the night and the contractions were happening every 15 minutes. My husband woke up. I sleep with him, it happens every 15 minutes. but I said you're going to work. Contractions started to occur every 5 minutes. My husband was saying that you are going to give birth, do not you realize :) The hospital was 5 minutes away from our home. I was so comfortable that the nurse in the hospital is a false contraction. She was saying you can't wait so comfortably. I don't know either, there is contraction, but I said it happens every 5 minutes. They connected it to the device they called NST.


And bingooo Nisa is coming. Contractions are too high. Everyone is looking at me confused, so how do you not feel :) I walked every day during my pregnancy, I was going up and down the stairs. Maybe that's why I didn't go so comfortably. Of course, you feel very severe contractions in the last hours. That is a separate issue :)



At 7.15 in the morning, my princess daughter opened her eyes to the world. I called her by her name and looked at me. Ahh how beautiful a baby with my heart out of place, white skin, red cheeks, ebony hair.
Then they took us to the room with my daughter, I can't tell you what a nice feeling it was.

Take care to see you in the next posts.Thanks for reading and upvote