It's Been So Long

in GEMS3 years ago


Yes I know I haven't been playing a lot of Splinterlands lately as I am a bit time constraint with all my work, writing blogs as well as playing games. Yes, those 3 definitely take priority for me. But even though I have been playing the game a lot less I am still completing my daily quests but sadly I haven't gotten any Legendary cards for like 3 straight months even though I have all the boosts enabled.

I knew that the probability of a Legendary Drop has been reduced but I did not know by how much so it was surprising to see how low it went. Anyways for today, I got myself an Almo Cambio which is a Legendary Monster from the Neutral Splinter, which means I can use this Monster in any match provided there are no Stipulations involved.


At its max stage, Almo Cambio has four abilities which are IMMUNITY which gives him Immunity from Negative effects, PHASE which means magic attacks will phase through the monster, RETURN FIRE which is a pretty useful ability that returns damage delivered via ranged attacks and MAGIC REFLECT which as the name suggests reflects magic attack. Although I am still not sure how the PHASE ability works as I have never tried it or seen it in a fight.

So Am I Going to Integrate this Card in my Deck?

Hmmm, this is pretty interesting for me as I have never used this card and if I want to fully utilize this Card I will have to buy 100 USD worth of the same cards to MAX OUT. So yeah I definitely have to think about it a little.

To be honest I would have sold this card in a heartbeat but the only reason I am still thinking is the fact that this Card is quite similar to LORD ARIANTHUS which I use a lot. So this one could be a backup card for me as to when Magic is Off by Stipulation. Let's see what I come up with tonight.
