We are Sinking out Here

in GEMS4 years ago


I have witnessed floods in Telivisons in various parts of our country but never did I ever imagine that I would have to go through such devastation. I live on the Northern side of West Bengal, India and we have a lot of mountain range around us so I had a thought that we in North Bengal will never see Flooding.

But I was wrong!

Yesterday it rained all night and when I woke up we were already afoot in water. As the day progressed the rain did not stop at all to the point that all the roads were acting as Drains to the water.


It was around 4 PM when the rain finally stopped and now it was time to check out the damage done. As you can see in the picture water was running on the streets and you can't even make out the drains on the side. I had to go out to buy some things but I passed after seeing a guy just drop into a drain after not seeing it. So yeah things look bad.
