I'm learning to let life happen to me

in GEMS4 years ago

Life is weird sometimes and no matter how much effort you put into making plans, something humbling can happen that will shit on your plans. This is what happened two days ago when I wanted to go out to buy Shawarma and ended up getting drenched by rain.


It was kinda fun to get drenched by the rain and while I'm not looking forward to doing it, it reminded me of a lesson in life that I tend to forget. I always make plans and have even managed to convince myself that I can bend the will of the universe to my will. I try to live my life in a certain way that aligns to my plans and avoid things that aren't.

This aspect of me has made me very rigid, and sort of one-track minded. This streamlined way of thinking has simplified my life to a point and has been a very efficient defence mechanism but, at other times, it has been a stumbling block.

I've always thought of my life as being in transition and this thought has guided a lot of my decisions. It is the reason why I'm a Southern boy living in Kaduna and the reason why I also feel certain about exiting this place. The irony is that despite acknowledging this fact, I also feel a certain disconnect from proceedings and feel a certain disconnect from Nigeria as a whole.

This streamlined way of seeing life has helped me go through life on my own terms, constantly believing that where I am is where I choose to be. It is a "reality" that I've embraced, but I'm slowly learning that perhaps I should give life a chance to happen to me.

I'm going to try to be more accepting of things that don't happen in the way I envisage, and just wing it in certain situations. It is going to be a mental battle but I'm up for the task.


Nice read. Everyone should try to be flexible

Me in particular because I'm rigid as fuck.