[ESP/ENG] Recuerdo de mi paseo a la playa en familia | I remember my family walk to the beach | by: bysa86

in GEMS2 years ago
El fin de semana pasado me fui junto a mi familia a la playa en La Guaira- Venezuela. Salimos bien temprano, para aprovecharnos el día al máximo, ya que es distante de donde vivimos.

Last weekend I went with my family to the beach in La Guaira- Venezuela.
We left very early, to make the most of the day, since it is far from where we live.


Al llegar a la playa realmente sentí una desconexión del mundo exterior y una conexión con el mar, le llamo “Desconectar para conectar” Escuchar sus olas, sentir la brisa rozarme, su olor, su color, su inmensidad… realmente es para mí, súper rehabilitador, es mi lugar favorito.

When I got to the beach I really felt a disconnection from the outside world and a connection with the sea, I call it "Disconnect to connect"
Listening to its waves, feeling the breeze brushing against me, its smell, its color, its immensity ... it really is for me, a super rehabilitator, it is my favorite place.



El oleaje estaba fuerte, no esperamos mucho y nos bañamos, me metí junto a mis primos para así cuidarlos. Pasamos un rato súper agradable, comimos pescado frito con tostones y ensalada, nos tomamos unas frias y no paramos de reír, echando cuento; realmente nos hacía falta reunirnos.

The waves were strong, we didn't wait long and we bathed, I got in with my cousins to take care of them.
We had a really nice time, we ate fried fish with plantains and salad, we had some cold ones and we didn't stop laughing, telling stories; we really needed to get together.



En la playa se nos acercó un vendedor de sombreros playeros, hecho de palma moriche y yo desde hace mucho tiempo quería uno; así que me dije… Lo quiero, me lo merezco y me lo compré.

On the beach we were approached by a seller of beach hats, made of moriche palm and I had wanted one for a long time; so I said to myself… I want it, I deserve it and I bought it.


Las horas pasaron súper rápido, así que nos dio chance de ver caer el sol, mis primitos no salieron de la playa desde que llegamos, los capture conversando.

The hours passed super fast, so it gave us a chance to see the sun go down, my cousins did not leave the beach since we arrived, I captured them talking.




Así despedí este día con esta hermosa foto, feliz y agradecida con Dios por permitirnos este momento. Me vine relajada, esa sensación de tranquilidad y bienestar que me genera el mar y me recarga de buena energía para comenzar una semana renovada.

So I bid farewell to this day with this beautiful photo, happy and grateful to God for allowing us this moment.
I came relaxed, that feeling of tranquility and well-being that the sea generates in me and recharges me with good energy to start a renewed week.


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