I've been jogging a little this week and it's been good :)

in GEMS4 years ago

I made this image on Canva to test things. Not my favorite tool, especially with their nagging to get premium at every turn, and the impossibility to filter content by free and paid. Truly a bother. And they mislead by offering pictures and then attaching a Canva watermark and forcing me to pay $1. Unsplash has enough images to make do for your library, Canva!

Weird body biology beginnings

Why do I insist on sleeping with 25-hour cycles? I don't know. If I go to sleep one day at 7 pm, the next day my body refuses to get sleepy until around 8 to 9 pm next day, etc., and it goes on and on till I've rolled my sleeping schedule to sleep at 3 pm and wake up at 10 pm.

That's exactly what happened the last time. I didn't get sleepy until 2 pm and I decided I didn't wake up at night, so I just waited until 7 pm and went to sleep. Great, now I can wake up in the morning! But the next days I've been going to sleep now at 8 pm, and yesterday at 9 pm.

Make do with what I have

However, what's true is that I've been awake every day for a week at 6 am. Yes, I've been rolling my sleeping schedule, and going to sleep later and later, and maybe soon I won't be awake at 6 am, but while I've been (even before I decided to roll it, when I was sleeping from 10 am to 5 pm, I was awake at 6 am!), I've decided to leave every valuable inside (beware the thieves) and go for a morning jog.

At first, I wasn't very motivated. I was tired, I didn't wanna jog, my bones were cold and asleep, but I forced through, and now, these later days of the week, I can start jogging right away. I'm asthmatic and my lungs are weeeeeak, so I can barely run uphill for more than a block without tiring out. But as I go, it's been getting easier and easier to do it. Yesterday I ran 2 blocks uphill and I was still able to walk afterwards without too much lung pain!

I didn't jog much before because most of my family has bad knees. Who wants to ruin their knees by jogging, eh? But I've been showing signs of unhealthy habits lately and it's clearly been hitting me a bit hard. My back hurts, I've been getting more allergies, more early signs of getting sick and vulnerable to stuff. This is also my good and active part of the month, so I have to make do with what I have, and regardless of whether I'll be jogging later, for now I'll make this effort.

Peeples be walking around!

I didn't even think that there would be so many people thinking the same thing I was. But I guess the quarantine has been hitting everyone the same. If I go out after 6:20 in the morning, the prettier streets are taken by walkers! People with dogs, people with towels for their sweat, old women pretending to jog but going slower than walking speed, it's quite a show, but I don't like crossing paths!

I got late a few mornings because I was doing stuff, so I got ready at around 6:20, 6:30, and I had to meet these people. That's not what I want for sure, so I've been getting ready before. Right now it's 6:00, so I'm about to post this and get ready for another morning jog, hopefully without too many peeps peeping around!