I always said that after my rabbit died there were no more animals in the house.

in GEMS4 years ago

I always said that after my rabbit died there were no more animals in the house. Well, by coincidence, I have to live with a cat when I'm in Moscow) And Roma, my son, wants a dog. Well I do not know. He will come with the cat to measure himself, but you still need to think about the dog, you need to think hard.
I love animals, especially dogs, but I don't really like animals in the apartment. In addition, a difficult farewell, if suddenly something happens, as, for example, with my rabbits, he fell ill and died. For so many years I became so attached to him, loved him. It was hard, so I don't want to experience something again.
On the other hand, I would like a dog. But the cat itself burst into my life) I'll have to make friends with her)

Walk with Roma)