ENERGY REFILL CONTEST - Round 16 | La mejor manera de predecir el futuro es inventarlo [ENG-ESP

in GEMS3 years ago

Hablar del futuro siempre será una predicción porque, en realidad, no sabemos si lo tendremos o no. La vida ocurre en este justo momento, el ahora, es el ahora el tiempo del cual disponemos, dónde es posible hacer algo. Sin embargo, nuestra manera, forma, naturaleza, eso que nos define como seres pensantes nos hace proyectarnos en un futuro y parte de la curiosidad humana es querer conocer lo que viene, lo que nos depara ese tiempo no transcurrido.

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@tripode nos trae esta frase de Alan Kay, citada en un artículo de @irvinc y la invitación es para que reflexionemos sobre ella. Es una frase con un gran poder motivador. Aquí mi comentario.

Talking about the future will always be a prediction because, in reality, we do not know if we will have it or not. Life happens in this very moment, the now, it is the now, the time we have available, where it is possible to do something. However, our way, form, nature, that which defines us as thinking beings makes us project ourselves into the future and part of human curiosity is to want to know what is to come, what this time that has not yet passed holds for us.

The best way to predict the future is to invent it.

@tripode brings us this quote from Alan Kay, quoted in an article by @irvinc and the invitation is for us to reflect on it. It is a phrase with great motivational power. Here my comment.

La incertidumbre para muchos no es una opción. La curiosidad humana para conocer lo que será nos ha acompañado desde los primeros tiempos. Prácticas antiguas han alimentado un conocimiento empírico para predecir el futuro, que han llegado hasta nosotros y la seguimos alimentando. Practicas como: el oráculo, la lectura de las cartas, el tabaco, el agua, la bola de cristal son creaciones humanas para registrar el por-venir.

Hay quienes sostienen que es un pensamiento mágico, quizás teñido de ingenuidad e incluso de ignorancia. La idea aquí no es juzgar sino reconocer que este conocimiento y práctica están presentes, se cultivan y se hace precisamente porque nos resistimos a vivir sin esa posibilidad de conocer lo que viene.

Uncertainty for many is not an option. Human curiosity to know what will be has accompanied us since the earliest times. Ancient practices have nurtured an empirical knowledge to predict the future, which have come down to us and we continue to feed it. Practices such as: the oracle, card reading, tobacco, water, crystal ball are human creations to record the future.

Some argue that it is magical thinking, perhaps tinged with naivety and even ignorance. The idea here is not to judge but to recognize that this knowledge and practice is present, cultivated and done precisely because we resist living without the possibility of knowing what is to come.

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Así como hemos inventado esa manera de acercarnos al futuro no podemos dejar de lado la fe. La fe va ligada a la esperanza y ésta al futuro. La fe junto a la esperanza definen el convencimiento de que lo deseado y proyectado llegará. Como dijo Jesús: “La fe mueve montañas” y cuando uno tiene fe es muy probable que lo deseado se logre y aquí tiene mucho que ver la ley de atracción. Atraemos aquello con lo que nos conectamos emocionalmente.

Desde la fe podemos predecir nuestro futuro, sin embargo, hay otra frase que se le atribuye a Dios y que los estudiosos de la biblia señalan que el libro no la contiene, así que es una frase surgida del conocimiento popular y que me parece muy acertada: “Dios dijo: Ayúdate que yo te ayudaré•. Lo cual significa que, por mucha fe que tenga, por mucho futuro que tenga en la predicción si no hago mi parte mi futuro seguirá teniendo el mismo resultado.

Just as we have invented this way of approaching the future, we cannot leave faith aside. Faith is linked to hope and hope to the future. Faith together with hope define the conviction that what is desired and projected will come. As Jesus said: "Faith moves mountains" and when one has faith it is very probable that what is desired will be achieved and here the law of attraction has a lot to do. We attract what we connect with emotionally.

From faith we can predict our future, however, there is another phrase that is attributed to God and that scholars of the bible point out that the book does not contain it, so it is a phrase emerged from popular knowledge and that seems to me very accurate: "God said: Help yourself and I will help you-. Which means that no matter how much faith I have, no matter how much faith I have in the prediction, if I don't do my part, my future will continue to have the same result.

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Y aquí es donde entra la frase perfecta de Alan Kay “La mejor manera de predecir el futuro es inventarlo”. Una frase que nos llena de poder, de la capacidad que tiene cada uno para caminar y visualizar hacia dónde quiere. Cuando tenemos un sueño, nos planteamos una meta y accionamos en función a ella, estamos trabajando por ese futuro y lo más probable es que sea como nosotros lo hemos proyectado, tal vez difiera un poco del sueño pero se debe acercar bastante porque lo que nosotros hacemos en el presente siempre será con una mira a tener ese futuro que deseamos y queremos.

Es cierto, las circunstancias a veces no son las más favorables y que mejor ejemplo que lo vivido este último año pero, si miramos con un poco de atención, nos damos cuenta que para muchos las circunstancias, efectivamente, no han sido las mejores y que para otros, por el contrario, han sido las más favorables. La diferencia pudiera estar en que unos se han paralizado y otros se han reinventado, al final, todo apunta a la frase de Kay: El futuro hay que inventárselo.

And this is where Alan Kay's perfect quote "The best way to predict the future is to invent it" comes in. A phrase that fills us with power, with the capacity that each one of us has to walk and visualize where we want to go. When we have a dream, we set a goal and we act according to it, we are working for that future and most likely it will be as we have projected it, maybe a little different from the dream but it should be close enough because what we do in the present will always be with a view to have that future we want and desire.

It is true that sometimes circumstances are not the most favorable and what better example than what we have experienced this past year, but if we look a little more closely, we realize that for many the circumstances, indeed, have not been the best and for others, on the contrary, they have been the most favorable. The difference could be that some have been paralyzed and others have reinvented themselves, in the end, everything points to Kay's phrase: The future must be invented.

Esta ha sido mi participación al CONCURSO ENERGY REFILL concovocado por la amiga @tripode. La participación está abierta hasta el lunes 19 de abril, entra al link y conoce las reglas e igualmente invito a participar a las amigas: @aurodivys, @steffanybayona

This has been my participation in the ENERGY REFILL CONTEST organized by my friend @tripode. The participation is open until Monday, April 19, go to the link and know the rules and I also invite my friends @aurodivys, @steffanybayona to participate.

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Imagen: Portada editada a partir del original de @tripode.


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I can't say enough of how much l fancy your entry to this contest. I also like how you gave a perfect interpretation of this quote.

You started by giving us perfect scenarios of some supernatural and attempts being made to predict what the future will look like. Faith is often needed in things like this because we just can't be sure of how the next hour will we talk more of predicting the future.

I also like how you made it clear that anything that will happen in the future starts from planning and executing the plan accordingly. We may not know our future but we can get a blur view of how it would be by working accordingly today.

Well Done Dear

The Smile team appreciates you for sharing your quality content with us. Do well to check #smi-le to read from other like-minded writers.


¨We may not know our future, but we may have a fuzzy vision of what it would look like if we work accordingly today."
I take your words because it will indeed be a blurry vision of what is to come, there are no certainties and that is wonderful because if there were, we would not have expectations and that passion to do, which is the engine of life.
Thank you for commenting and appreciating my writing, I really like this matter of interpreting phrases, so we will keep in touch.

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