in GEMS3 years ago
Written by:Diomer Antonio Galán Rincón.
Bachelor's Degree.Public Accounting / MSc.Science of Higher Education.

Author: @dgalan, through the Power Point 2010 tool, and using an image from the public domain pixabay

Advertising has been a great tool since centuries past, since human beings have always sought ways to transmit information orally, in writing and today online, to express traditions and customs and to inform about the resources that each culture possessed.

Advertising is responsible for presenting a product, idea or service from the best perspective to inform people and to make them aware of the benefits of the products or services they require.

Image taken from: pixabay

Nowadays, to talk about advertising is to make known the different means by which it is possible to transmit information about a product or company as such. Thanks to the advanced development of technology, it is nowadays possible to advertise more easily through the internet and the different social networks that we have available and in a more economical way.div>

It is worth mentioning that advertising has progressed in a surprising way and through it, companies have the advantage of having their products recognised, therefore consumed not only locally but nationally and internationally, and persuading the most demanding consumer to purchase the product or service that suits their satisfaction.

It should be noted that advertising represents one of the 4Ps of marketing (product, price, point of sale and promotion) of which although they do not generate revenue but the opposite in the company, it refers to image, the appearance that consumers want and can buy without having the product or the location where it is available.

Image taken from: Pixabay

On the other hand, advertising strategies are the strategic plan of how this advertising is going to be carried out and the aim of it is: to inform, persuade, compare and remind the consumer about the product and the company so that they can enjoy the service provided by the company.

the function of stimulating the consumer about the benefits of using or consuming the product in the short, medium and long term. In this sense, efficiency will depend on a good combination between the objective and the medium through which the advertising will be carried out, since every detail meets the objectives of the advertising.I hope you like my article and I would appreciate all your comments

Bibliography consulted.

1.- Kotler and Armstrong (1998). Fundamentals of Marketing. (4th. ed). Mexico: Mc. Graw Hill..

2.- Stanton et al (2007). Marketing Fundamentals, (14th ed), McGraw Hill..