Celebrating mother's day as a family - Celebrando el día de las madres en familia. 🥰❤️

in GEMS3 years ago

Happy beginning of the week to all 🌼 I hope this week is of benefit for all and that you can obtain only blessings.

Yesterday, mothers 'day was celebrated in my country 🤰 every day is our mothers' day, but this specific day is to celebrate that they are mothers and that they are the best of all.

Felíz inicio de semana a todos 🌼 espero que está semana sea de provecho para todos y puedan obtener solo bendiciones.

El día de ayer se ha celebrado el día de las madres en mi país 🤰 todos los días es el día de nuestras madres pero este día en específico es para festejar que son mamás y que son las mejores de todas.

My mom and I - Mi mamá y yo.

My family is small, I live with my family on my mother's side, which is divided into my mother, 2 loving aunts, my sister, my uncle and cousins. I have the happiness of being able to say that God has given me 4 mothers because my mother has always been everything to me but throughout my life I have obtained the love of a mother from my aunts and my sister

Mi familia es pequeña, convivo con mi familia por parte madre la cual está distribuida en mi mamá, 2 amorosas tías, mi hermana mi tío y primos. Tengo la dicha de poder decir que Dios me ha obsequiado 4 mamás porque mi mamá lo ha sido todo para mí siempre pero durante toda mi vida he obtenido el amor de madre de mis tías y mi hermana 🥰

My treasure - Mi tesoro.

My treasure - Mi tesoro.

All my life I have received unconditional love from them ❤️ I am so grateful to life for allowing me to be happy and for allowing them to be present in my life, thanks to them I am the woman of today.

To celebrate their day we prepared a simple lunch, a chicken in sauce with vegetables accompanied by other foods, I was very happy because after so long I was able to share with my sister and nephews, my heart missed them.

Toda la vida he recibido un amor incondicional de parte de ellas ❤️ estoy tan agradecida con la vida por permitirme ser felíz y por permitir que ellas estén presente en mi vida, gracias a ellas soy la mujer de hoy.

Para festejar su día elaboramos un almuerzo sencillo, un pollo en salsa con vegetales acompañado de otros alimentos, yo me encontraba muy felíz porque después de tanto tiempo pude compartir con mi hermana y sobrinos, mi corazón los extrañaba.

Special lunch - Almuerzo especial.

Special lunch - Almuerzo especial.

Special lunch - Almuerzo especial.

Everything was exquisite, my mother and sister prepared it because I have not cooked yet and neither has my aunt. Then we taste an exquisite sponge cake filled with pastry cream 🤤

Todo quedó exquisito lo elaboró mi mamá y mi hermana debido a que yo aún no debo cocinar ni mi tía tampoco. Luego llegó el poste una torta exquisita rellena con crema pastelera 🤤

Dessert - Postre.

Dessert - Postre.

My nephews enjoyed a lot, playing and with the sweets that I gave them, whenever I go to the supermarket I buy something for them and I save it for when I can see them ... In the end they were exhausted, defeated 🤣 asleep.

Mis sobrinos disfrutaron mucho, jugando y con los dulces que le obsequie, siempre que voy al supermercado compro algo para ellos y lo guardo para cuándo puedo verlos... Al final quedaron agotados, derrotados 🤣 dormidos.

My nephews - Mis sobrinos.

At the beginning of the day my mood was not very good but when my sister got home she made me get out of bed and said: Today is my day and I want my little sister to be happy, so she chose nice clothes for me. . And she told me that you saw me well, that you make yourself pretty and you will make me happy. For these things and many more I love my sister because she is always present to encourage me. ❤️🤗

Al comienzo del día mi estado de ánimo no era muy bueno pero cuando mi hermana llegó a casa me hizo levantarme de la cama y dijo: Hoy es mi día y que quiero que mi hermanita sea feliz, así que eligió ropa bonita para mí. Y ella me dijo que me viste bien, que te pongas bonita y me harás feliz. Por estas cosas y muchas más amo a mi hermana porque siempre está presente para animarme. ❤️🤗

Me - Yo.

Me - Yo.

The photographs are of my authorship taken with my Redmi Note 10 cell phone and edited with the Instagram application, the translation of the text is done using this medium: Deepl. You can reach me through my account

Las fotografías son de mi autoría tomadas con mi celular Redmi Note 10 y editadas con la aplicación Instagram la traducción del texto la realice utilizando este medio: Deepl. Pueden ubicarme por medio de mi cuenta de


Hey @dojeda, You have old photos yet. It's really memorable and bring us so many unique value. Happy mothers day ( Late feedback)
You all celebrated really awesomely that memorable day with prepared delicious lunch. Also your smiles show us how you love and celebrated this nice day.

My friend @madushanka thank you very much ☺️ if I keep many old photographs (many many) it is true what you say, those are memorable moments captured in photographs. Thank you for your beautiful message, lunch was a dream, the taste was exquisite. I wish you a happy day