Is Sugar Harmful To The Body? What is the Recommended Amount of Consumption.

in GEMS3 years ago


SUGAR and daily consumption needs have become staples that cannot keep up. Almost all the food we consume always contains sugars, although just zero point a certain percentage. The impact of sugar consumption on health is also no longer a secret, such as heart disease, high blood pressure, and liver disease. Even excess consumption of sugar can also trigger certain cancers such as breast, liver, colon, etc. Everything starts with obesity caused by excessive sugar consumption. The most visible result of consuming excess sugar is dental health problems such as cavities. Therefore, it is important to always consume sugar per day.

Sugar is a source of energy that the body needs. Sugar is the common name for two complex and simple carbohydrates. Both are digested in the body into glucose and used by all cells in the body to produce energy which also fuels the brain. Sugar is not always bad. Sugar itself can be obtained from two sources, namely sweeteners that are added by themselves and sugar from carbohydrates contained in food. For example, from rice, wheat, cassava, bread, to fruits and vegetables. However, the human body still needs sugar intake to keep it functioning properly.

The American Heart Association (AHA) limits each person's daily sugar intake to no more than half of daily calories. This difference is based on gender differences. For men, consume sugar that is not more than 150 calories or the equivalent of 38 grams, 9 teaspoons of sugar. For women no more than 100 calories, or the equivalent of 6 teaspoons of sugar, 25 grams. For children aged 2-18 year-old, no more than 25 grams or 6 teaspoons of sugar is recommended.


To limit the consumption of sugar in every food requires right self-control, from adding it to our food or drinks, maybe using sugar in drinks can replace with honey. Limit yourself from consuming soft drinks. Because most of the sugar content in soft drinks is between 150-300 calories and exceeds the normal recommended limit, it will cause a spike in blood sugar levels. Consuming fruits is another way to avoid consuming excess sugar. Because the sweet taste in fruit is a natural sugar that has no side effects for health.

The most dangerous type of added sugar product is fructose which is considered to be the scapegoat for various health problems. When fructose is broken down by the liver, one of the end products is triglycerides, a type of fat, which can build up in liver cells over time. When they can't be released into the bloodstream, these fats can contribute to clogging artery walls. And this is the cause of heart disease. But high fructose intake can be digested during exercise to improve performance. In essence, more energy intake and expenditure of energy in the long term will lead to fat accumulation, insulin resistance and fatty liver. So high sugar consumption as energy intake is needed on condition that it is a balance for energy expenditure such as sports, or activities that require a lot of energy.

Eliminating sugar from our diet can even be counterproductive, because it can cause one of the substances that the body needs. So the point is to control the amount of consumption because any food with a healthy label, even if you consume it too much, it can turn into a trigger for things that are harmful to the body.

Dwiita Vita love Nature.png




Everything taste and feels good are not good, but good things are in those goods...😀 make me confused 😔🤦🏽‍♀️

@dwiitavita, Sometimes it feels like whatever we are consuming we have Zero or Not Actual Knowledge of it. Stay blessed.

Thank you for stopping by 😊

Yes, sugar is not good, but tastes good.

Thank you for stopping by 😊