Semir Osmanagić

in GEMS2 years ago

Dr. Semir Osmanagić je naučnik, istraživač megalitnih i piramidalnih lokacija širom svijeta. Čovjek koji je 2005. godine otkrio piramidalni kompleks u Visokom. Također je osnivač "Fondacije Arheološki park: Bosanska Piramida Sunca", te kreator jednog od najljepših parkova u evropi: "Park Ravne 2".

Pored svih dokaza o postojanju piramida i kompleksa tunela u Visokom, dr. Semir još uvijek nema podršku od vlasti u BiH.
A i kako bi imao, kada sva istorija i sve što smo učili do sada u školama o piramidama pada u vodu.

Pored svega, otkriveno je da piramide nisu bile grobnice kao što smo učili, već ljekoviti centri. To sam se i sam uvjerio prilikom prve posjete tunelima u Visokom.
Alergija koju sam imao više od 5 godina nestala je prvim ulaskom u tunele.

Ako meni ne vjerujete, postoje mnoga svjedočenja o ljekovitosti tunela koja možete naći na YouTube kanalu:
ili na stranicama:

Za sve koji do sada nisu posjetiili piramide i tunele imam tople preporuke za posjetu istih...
Ovo je naš mali doprinos dr. Semiru Osmanagiću i njegovom dosadašnjem zalaganju za nas.

semir osmanagic.jpg

Dr. Semir Osmanagić is a scientist, researcher of megalithic and pyramidal locations around the world. The man who discovered the pyramid complex in Visoko in 2005. He is also the founder of the Foundation "Archeological Park: Bosnian Pyramid of the Sun", and the creator of one of the most beautiful parks in Europe: "Park Ravne 2".

In addition to all the evidence for the existence of pyramids and tunnel complexes in Visoko, dr. Semir still lacks support from the BiH authorities.
And how would he have, when all the history and everything we have learned so far in schools about the pyramids falls into the water.

In addition, it was discovered that the pyramids were not tombs as we learned, but healing centers. I was convinced of that myself during my first visit to the tunnels in Visoko.
The allergy I had for more than 5 years disappeared the first time I entered the tunnels.

If you don't believe me, there are many testimonies about the healing properties of the tunnel that you can find on the YouTube channel:
or on the website:

For all those who have not visited the pyramids and tunnels so far, I have warm recommendations for visiting them...
This is our small contribution to dr. Semir Osmanagić and his commitment to us so far.


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