Como @appreciator cambio mi vida: Mi Esperanza Alentadora // How @appreciator changed my life : My Encouraging Hope

in GEMS4 years ago

Hola y buen dia a todos, en esta ocasión me encuentro en esta iniciativa de @rutablockchain de "Como @appreciator cambio mi vida".

Hello and good day to all, on this occasion I am in this initiative of @rutablockchain of "How @appreciator changed my life".

Antes me gustaría hablarles un poco sobre mis inicios en la plataforma y como me ha ido desde entonces. Ya que no tengo trabajo formal, desde que mi país atraviesa una grave crisis económica y aun se profundizo mas debido al covid-19 y a la cuarentena, me vi forzada a buscar alternativas de trabajo desde casa por Internet.

Before I would like to talk a little about my beginnings on the platform and how I have done since then. Since I don't have a formal job, since my country is going through a serious economic crisis and it got even deeper due to the covid-19 and the quarantine, I was forced to look for alternatives to work from home through the Internet.

Esta situación causo en mi una gran preocupación al ver las carencias que teníamos en casa hasta el punto de no poder cubrir nuestras necesidades básicas y aun mas al no poder ayudarlos aportando ingresos y así mejorar un poco la situación.

This situation caused me great concern when I saw the deficiencies that we had at home to the point of not being able to cover our basic needs and even more when we could not help them by providing income and thus improve the situation a little.

Cierto día me visito mi tia @daysiselena y mi amiga @nathyortiz, y me mostraron todo lo referente a la plataforma como desenvolverme poco a poco en la misma y me contaron como les ayudo a ellas, que ser parte de esta plataforma les cambio su situación y les ayudo a tener mejor calidad de vida.

One day my aunt @daysiselena and my friend @nathyortiz visited me, and they showed me everything about the platform and told me how it helped them, that being part of this platform changed their situation and helped them to have a better quality of life.

Mi comienzo fue un poco duro ya que no comprendía muchas cosas y sentía que mis publicaciones no eran del agrado de los usuarios de la comunidad. Pero puse en practica un dicho "El que persevera alcanza" y continué hasta que recibí el voto de alguien muy especial @appreciator, una gran emoción llego en mi al ver que si vale la pena el esfuerzo y empeño que cada día le pongo al realizar mis trabajos.

My beginning was a little hard since I did not understand many things and I felt that my publications were not liked by the community users. But I put into practice a saying "He who perseveres reaches" and continued until I received the vote of someone very special @appreciator, a great emotion came to me to see that if it is worth the effort and commitment that every day I put into my work.

Aquí comienza el cambio en mi vida con el apoyo de nuestro querido amigo @appreciator, así como le debo las gracias a mi familia, también le debo un gran agradecimiento a el, ya que con su aporte y apoyo en mis post, he podido salir adelante y aportar en mi hogar para la comida y algunas medicinas, algo que antes no podía hacer.

Here begins the change in my life with the support of our dear friend @appreciator, as well as I owe thanks to my family, I also owe a great deal of gratitude to him, since with his contribution and support in my posts, I have been able to get ahead and contribute in my home for food and some medicines, something that I could not do before.

Desde el momento que comencé a recibir el voto de @appreciator, me sorprendió que alguien como el se tomara el tiempo de visitar y valorar mi contenido, esto me incentivo a seguir realizando mis proyectos que cada día sean de mejor calidad para que sean de su agrado y seguir obteniendo su atención, así también mantengo mi mente ocupada creando e inventando en este gran tiempo libre que tenemos que sacarle el mejor provecho.

From the moment I started to receive the vote of @appreciator, I was surprised that someone like him took the time to visit and appreciate my content, this encouraged me to continue making my projects that every day are of better quality to be of their liking and continue getting their attention, so I also keep my mind busy creating and inventing in this great free time that we have to make the most of it.

Últimamente he notado que no he logrado llamar su atención y eso me ha desanimado un poco, pero creo que la constancia y perseverancia serán mi motor principal para seguir contando con su gran apoyo que es muy valioso para mi.

Lately I have noticed that I have not been able to get their attention and that has discouraged me a little, but I think that perseverance and constancy will be my main engine to continue having their great support which is very valuable to me.

Nuevamente quiero ratificarle las gracias a esas bellas personas que llegaron en el momento que mas necesite su ayuda y me invitaron a entrar y conocer la plataforma y esta bonita comunidad, como también a nuestro amigo @appreciator, quien con su apoyo he podido salir adelante y mejorar un poco esa situación económica tan difícil en la que me encontraba, No es fácil, pero con su ayuda desinteresada pude ver un poco de luz en la oscuridad.

Again I want to ratify the thanks to those beautiful people who came in the moment I needed their help the most and invited me to enter and get to know the platform and this beautiful community, as well as our friend @appreciator, who with his support I have been able to get ahead and improve a little bit that difficult economic situation I was in. It is not easy, but with his disinterested help I was able to see a little light in the darkness.

Los invito que se animen a compartir sus experiencias en esta plataforma y sobretodo como @appreciator cambio su vida.

I invite you to also share your experiences on this platform and above all how @appreciator changed your life.

Thanks for taking the time to read my post


Wow, me agrado tu post, las fotografias son exelentes, gracias por compartir.

Muchas gracias @comandoyeya, me alegra que te hayan gustado las fotografias!

I'm glad you didn't give up but persevered and he came up to give you more motivation to keep steeming. Well done 👍

Thank you very much @maxwellmarcusart! well if that's the idea, don't discourage me and keep improving little by little.

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To support your work, I also upvoted your post!

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thank you for your support @hivebuzz

You are welcome @edwarlyn11 👍🙂

You have the talent to go much further, thank you for such gratitude

Thank you very much @bluemist, it is not for less the great support that you offer us, I hope to continue raising things of your pleasure! greetings.