Cómplices de sorpresa de cumpleaños // Birthday surprise accomplices [ESP-ENG]

in GEMS4 years ago (edited)

¡Hola a todos! Hoy quiero contarles sobre una sorpresa de la que mi hermana y yo fuimos cómplices, pues resulta que una de las vecinas que es amiga de mi mamá estaba de cumpleaños el día de ayer, ella se llama Yolanda y su hija quien está en Chile quería darle algo especial y nos contacto a mi hermana y a mí para que la ayudáramos con eso.

Hi all! Today I want to tell you about a surprise in which my sister and I were accomplices, because it turns out that one of the neighbors who is a friend of my mother had her birthday yesterday, her name is Yolanda and her daughter who is in Chile wanted to give her something special and she contacted my sister and me to help her with that.

Y aunque la sorpresa no era para nosotras, estábamos muy emocionadas porque a mi hermana y a mí nos encantan las sorpresas y nos encanta ver a la gente feliz, y así se puso nuestra vecina Yolanda, pues su hija le envió rosas rojas y un delicioso quesillo ya que sabe que su mamá ama las rosas y es amante de ese delicioso postre.

And although the surprise was not for us, we were very excited because my sister and I love surprises and we love to see happy people, and that's how our neighbor Yolanda got, because her daughter sent her red roses and a delicious cheese. since he knows that his mother loves roses and is a lover of that delicious dessert.

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Eran esos dos obsequios, primero trajeron uno y luego el otro, pues eran dos empresa diferentes. Las rosas venían acompañadas con una carta redactada por su hija desde Chile, mi hermana y yo solo nos encargamos de buscar la cuenta en Instagram que hiciera ese tipo de sorpresas y estuvimos pendiente de que nos avisaran cuando llegaran para salir a recibirlo, igualmente con el quesillo, y la verdad todo fue muy bonito.

They were those two gifts, first they brought one and then the other, as they were two different companies. The roses were accompanied by a letter written by his daughter from Chile, my sister and I only took care of looking for the account on Instagram that made those kinds of surprises and we were waiting for them to notify us when they arrived to go out to receive it, also with the quesillo, and the truth was everything was very beautiful.

Incluso estaba el día frió y lluvioso, pero aun así los regalos fueron recibidos, y a la vecina le encantó, nunca he recibido una sorpresa así, debe ser muy bonito y emotivo, pero bueno estábamos muy felices por la vecina Yolanda, y le deseamos lo mejor del mundo.

It was even a cold and rainy day, but even so the gifts were received, and the neighbor loved it, I have never received a surprise like this, it must be very beautiful and emotional, but hey we were very happy for the neighbor Yolanda, and we wish her so best in the world.

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Eso nos hace darnos cuenta que el que quiere puede, que lo demás son excusas, la hija de mi vecina está a 7082 km y aun así se acordó de su mamá y quiso sorprenderla en su cumpleaños, también nos demuestra que el secreto de todo está en las ganas, y que nada queda lejos si tu quieres hacerlo.

That makes us realize that whoever wants to can, that the rest are excuses, my neighbor's daughter is 7082 km away and even so she remembered her mother and wanted to surprise her on her birthday, it also shows us that the secret of everything is in the desire, and that nothing is far if you want to do it.


Nice beautiful post and i liked your every text words that you wrote with inner heart feeling.. Do you have discord plz give me .best of luck .nice