Scene of young children playing soccer on the park field

in GEMS3 years ago

Samsung SM-M20
F1.9, 1/893 s, 3.58mm, ISO 40
White balance Auto, No flash

Original Photo, No filter

Here two little kids are happily playing football on the park field. Between these two babies is my niece about the little baby in the back. Last Christmas day, my grandparents and my little niece went for a walk in the park.

This park is an eco park. Eco Park is a very big ground. Everyone here spends time with great pleasure. Here those who have houses around the park come to walk in the park every afternoon and spend leisure time.

There is a very nice place to spend time here, but you can enjoy a nice atmosphere here in the evening. When the children get a big field and get the ball, they get very happy. Even adults spend much better time with younger ones.

Kids spend time with everyone in a friendly way. They always spend time with a happy smile. We are very happy with them. When children are happy for some reason, they also like themselves very much.