The importance of photography in my life

in GEMS4 years ago

For a person like me who easily gets bored and always eager to produce a creative output possibly in every day of my life; photography really helped me express my art and also to relieve my stress from my work.

It was 6 years ago when I started learning about photography. I didn't go to photography school or attended any course from professional photographers. I learned through Youtube, blogs, and also by reading some photography magazines.

As a hobbyist, I never really thought of making anything from my photos. At first, I just post my photos on Facebook/Instagram. I have to admit, the "likes" on my photography posts make me feel good about what I do. They gave me the boost to do more and be better doing my craft. It gave me confidence in what I do. And by receiving admiration on my photos, I felt motivated to learn more and take more photos to share with my personal friends and social media friends. I felt alive.

This subject is one of the reasons why I tried to learn photography. Smartphones are good, but DSLRs and photography techniques will capture a better look at this type of scene. With this lighting condition, a regular smartphone camera will result in a blurry and dark photo; something that doesn't depict the exciting vibe of the Light show.

Also, this photo also allowed me to learn more about "crypto". I wasn't really interested in crypto at that time (3 years ago). My sister's friend convinced me to post my photos in Steemit. This photo was voted by Curie, which made me really interested in this space.

My photographs allowed me to interact with other photographers in the social space of the blockchain world. I joined contests and engaged with other Steemit users and now in Blurt.


As a final note, I really like subjects like this that show the exciting city vibe.

It makes me appreciate life more than ever.

#blurtlife on!


I agree with you, photography is a very good way to express our art. Those photos are really good!

I have picked your post for my daily hive voting initiative, Keep it up and Hive On!!