The skills that I wish to learn on 2021

in GEMS3 years ago

We are a few days away from December and from here on we will transition to a new year. In this current, I feel like my own personal development has slowed down and was consumed by the unpleasant events that happened and still happening at the moment. One of the major friction to it is the recent pandemic which put the whole world in turmoil.

Anyway, regardless of all the troublesome events for this year, we still have to move on take them as a good learning experience. Contrary to how I feel, I actually think that those events made me realize how important it is to learn something new in the next months or years to come.

As a result, I have come up with a shortlist of skills that I wish to learn. I'm looking at learning new skills that might be useful for my future self.

Programming (JS or Python)

Ever since I joined Steemit a few years back, I became fascinated with App & Web development and I wish to develop one someday. That may be several years back but my enthusiasm to learn hasn't faded away.


I believe that there will always be a place for Programmers in this world. The demand for such skills will rise even in the next years to come. About 2 weeks ago, Reuters reported that Singapore is looking for tech executives to operate their business, to be an investor or to become a director in Singapore-based tech companies. The Singapore government is offering the participants with a special visa, incentives, and grants to encourage them to take part in the program.

Personally, I feel that being a programmer will open up to wonderful opportunities at present even in the distant future.

Forecasting the Future as an Entrepreneur

I started a small business with my partner a year ago and what I learn from a year of operating the business is that the only constant about it is "change". It was our first business and so we have a lot of things to figure out when it comes to the direction that we want to take for our business. Even our products have evolved over the past few months alone. We have to keep on learning and developing every aspect of the business.


What I noticed while in the process of developing the business is that we usually react to the situation and our actions do not utilize advanced planning. Obviously, we don't have a clear vision of the future and the potential hurdles ahead of us. I think that our lack of experience in managing the business has caused our lack of critical judgment about the outcome of issues that will affect the business.

I feel that being good at forecasting the future through a business perspective will be a great help to the survivability & sustainability of our business regardless of the obstacles ahead of us.

Even though I wanted to learn more skills in the coming 2021, I feel like the two skills that I mentioned are more than enough to keep me occupied for a whole year.

