Amanecer frío / Cold dawn .

in GEMS3 years ago (edited)

Hola amigos de Hive.

Hoy tras dos largos días de lluvias intensas a salido el sol y tenemos este precioso amanecer.
Today, after two long days of intense rain, the sun has come out and we have this beautiful sunrise.

Eso sí, con brumas y mucho frío que ha venido de golpe.
However, with fogs and a lot of cold that has come suddenly.
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Estos son los días perfectos para aprovechar el tiempo de sol y quedarte en casa junto a la chimenea en cuanto el sol empieza a ponerse.😁

These are the perfect days to make the most of the sunshine and stay at home by the fireplace as soon as the sun begins to set.

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Imágenes by @garvi

¡Espero os guste !
I hope you liked it !