📽️🎬📸TAG: Háblame de tu carrera. Ciencias audiovisuales y fotografía

in GEMS3 years ago

Hello 💙


Hoy me uno a este Tag traído a la plataforma por @mariblue , ya que me pareció sumamente interesante y una manera genial de conocernos un poco y quizás orientar a algunas personas con respecto a la selección de sus carreras.

Today I join this Tag brought to the platform by @mariblue , as I found it extremely interesting and a great way to get to know each other a little bit and maybe guide some people regarding their career selection.

Today I join this Tag brought to the platform by @mariblue , as I found it extremely interesting and a great way to get to know each other a little bit and maybe guide some people regarding their career selection.

¿En qué consiste la carrera?

What does the race consist of?

Mi carrera es la de un técnico integral por así decirlo en el área audiovisual ya que abarca conocimientos, practicas y disciplinas que se aplican a todos los ramos de pre producción (guion , story board etc) producción (filmacion,locucion,escenografia) post producción (edición) de las areas relacionadas al cine, tv, radio y la fotografía. Yo siempre digo que soy fotógrafa o productora pues es el área de mi carrera a la cual me dedicado y he trabajado mas pero si bien es cierto un Técnico superior universitario en ciencias audiovisuales y fotografía como es mi caso puede desempeñar roles en los diferentes campos audiovisuales que les mencione, es una carrera que en si misma puede ser muy amplia y versátil.

My career is that of an integral technician so to speak in the audiovisual area since it covers knowledge, practices and disciplines that apply to all branches of pre-production (script, story board etc.) production (filming, voice over, scenography) post production (editing) of the areas related to film, TV, radio and photography. I always say that I am a photographer or producer because it is the area of my career to which I am dedicated and I have worked more but while it is true that a university technician in audiovisual sciences and photography as in my case can play roles in the different audiovisual fields that I mentioned, it is a career that in itself can be very broad and versatile.


¿Siempre llamó tu atención?

Has it always caught your attention?

No realmente de hecho empecé a estudiar Comunicación Social , por obtener un cupo en la universidad , pero no me encantaba el ambiente de la universidad y tampoco me sentía del todo bien con la idea de la redacción de noticias tuve contando con las cámaras gracias a un profesor que era camarógrafo en un canal muy conocido de mi pais Venevisión y allí fue cuando me enamore del mundo audiovisual, luego de eso busque cupos en otras universidades descubrí la carrera que termine estudiando y fue la mejor decisión de mi vida.

Not really in fact I started to study Social Communication, to get a place in the university, but I did not love the university environment and I did not feel completely well with the idea of news writing, I had a professor who was a cameraman in a very well known channel in my country Venevision and that was when I fell in love with the audiovisual world, after that I looked for places in other universities I discovered the career that I ended up studying and it was the best decision of my life.

Si hubieras estudiado lo que querías de niño, ¿qué sería?

If you had studied what you wanted as a child, what would it be?

De niña quería ser cantante y abogada , cantante porque amo la música desde que tengo memoria y aunque ese sueño tampoco esta muerto ni mucho menos lo he dejado en pausa. Y abogada porque me parecían muy bonitos los trajes que usaban las que veía en mi infancia en películas o series.

As a child I wanted to be a singer and a lawyer, a singer because I have loved music for as long as I can remember and although that dream is not dead either, I have not put it on hold. And a lawyer because I thought the costumes worn by those I saw in my childhood in movies or series were very pretty.

¿Alguien cercano a ti estudia la carrera?

Is anyone close to you studying the career?

No exactamente... pero en mi universidad hice muchas amistades que hoy en día mas que colegas los considero parte de mi familia.

Not exactly... but in my university I made many friendships that today more than colleagues I consider them part of my family.


¿Tus padres te apoyan?

Are your parents supportive?

Mi madre estaba un poco molesta por mi decisión de cambio de carrera ya que eso implicaba tener que pasar de una universidad publica es decir gratuita a una privada es decir paga , lo cual implicaba un gasto extra aparte de los normales como transporte o comida y aunque de momentos no fue fácil ella siempre me ayudo y pude sacar mi titulo universitario adelante.

My mother was a little upset about my decision to change careers because it implied having to go from a public university, i.e. free, to a private university, i.e. paid, which implied an extra expense apart from the normal ones like transportation or food, and although at times it was not easy, she always helped me and I was able to get my university degree ahead.

¡Hasta la próxima, un abrazo!



Hello @genesishealthy, You have very clearly explained your career life with contains what about your desires to being professional side. Actually I really like to your changes made by you previously. I think now you can be satissfy about current career life.

Hi thank you very much for commenting! I think it is very nice to share the love about what we like and maybe my experience can serve others in their career selection.