(ESP-ENG) Feliz día del Padre// Happy father day

in GEMS3 years ago (edited)

¡Hola estimados amigos de la comunidad! Feliz Domingo.

Feliz día del Padre a todos aquellos que tienen la dicha de serlo. Hoy quiero dedicar mi post a mi querido padre y a mi amado esposo.

Hello dear friends of the community! Happy Sunday.

Happy Father's Day to all those who are fortunate to be so. Today I want to dedicate my post to my dear father and my beloved husband.


Imágen editada en canva// image edited in canva

Mi papá es un hombre fuerte, gracioso, amoroso un poco gruñón pero así lo amo, ha estado para mi en todo en momento y aunque no siempre lo veo, se que cuento con él para todo.
Mi padre me educó, crió y amó de la mejor forma posible, siento que nunca podré pagarle todo lo que ha hecho por mi.

My dad is a strong, funny, loving man who is a bit grumpy but I love him that way, he has been there for me at all times and although I don't always see him, I know I count on him for everything. My father educated, raised and loved me in the best possible way, I feel that I will never be able to repay him for everything he has done for me.


Él es músico de profesión, trompetista para ser exacta, uno de los mejores que conozco, les confieso que no soportaba escucharlo practicar ese instrumento hasta 3 veces al día, era para volverse loco jaja, siempre le decía que hiciera silencio y el se reía, ahora vivo lejos de él y tengo 2 años sin verlo, lo extraño demasiado.
Es director en la Banda Municipal de su ciudad, también dirige una orquesta y un Marianas, participa en muchos eventos y a veces escucharlo en esas presentaciones hacía que valiera cada tormento que vivíamos en casa cuando él practicaba.
He sido bendecida al tenerlo como padre porque sin duda ha sido el mejor.

He is a musician by profession, a trumpet player to be exact, one of the best I know, I confess that I could not bear to listen to him practice that instrument up to 3 times a day, it was to go crazy haha, he always told him to be silent and he laughed, now I live far from him and I have not seen him for 2 years, I miss him too much. He is a director in the Municipal Band of his city, he also directs an orchestra and a Marianas, he participates in many events and sometimes listening to him in those presentations made every torment we experienced at home when he practiced worthwhile. I have been blessed to have him as a father because he has undoubtedly been the best.



Por otra parte ahora, está mi esposo, una persona maravillosa que Dios puso en mi camino y en quien no dudé ni un momento en darle muchos hijos, claro que empezamos por uno. Mi esposo @lifemechanic es un padre amoroso y entregado al 100% a su hijo, no quiere perderse ni un momento de él, lo alimenta, lo viste, lo peina y pasa la mayor parte del día jugando con él.

On the other hand now, there is my husband, a wonderful person that God put in my path and in whom I did not hesitate for a moment to give him many children, of course we started with one. My husband @lifemechanic is a loving father and 100% devoted to his son, he does not want to miss a moment of him, he feeds him, dresses him, combs him and spends most of the day playing with him.


Cuando se tiene un hijo las prioridades cambian, todo en tu vida cambia y no es para menos, ahora te debes a esa personita que depende de ti para que lo cuides y eduques, yo no me equivoqué al elegir al papá de mi hijo, ha sido un excelente esposo y un super papá, nos cuida y nos atiende de la mejor forma posible.

When you have a child your priorities change, everything in your life changes and it is no wonder, now you owe it to that little person who depends on you to take care of and educate him, I was not wrong when choosing my son's father, he He has been an excellent husband and a super dad, he takes care of us and takes care of us in the best possible way.


A nuestra mascota Rocco de quien les hable en un post anterior que pueden leer aquí, siempre lo ha tratado como a un hijo, con esa dedicación y amor y yo sabía al verlo interactuar con él, que sería un papá genial.

To our pet Rocco, who I told you about in a previous post which you can read here, he has always treated him like a son, with that dedication and love and I knew from watching him interact with him that he would be a great dad.


No sé cómo existen personas que tienen hijos y los dejan a la suerte cuando no hay una cosa más maravillosa y gratificante que ser parte de la vida de los hijos. Por eso hoy quiero desearles de todo corazón un feliz día a mi papá, a mi esposo, hermanos y a todos los que merecen ese título tan grande de hacerse llamar Papá. Agradezco a Dios por haberme premiado con estos dos hombres tan maravillosos.

I don't know how there are people who have children and leave them to chance when there is nothing more wonderful and rewarding than being part of the children's lives. That is why today I want to wish with all my heart a happy day to my dad, my husband, brothers and all those who deserve that great title of calling themselves Dad. I thank God for having awarded me with these two wonderful men.


¡Gracias por visitar mi blog!//Thank you for visiting my blog!
Te espero en mi próximo post//I wait for you in my next post
¡Hasta pronto!//See you soon!

Todas las fotografías mostradas son de mi autoría//All the photographs shown are my own.


@genesishernandez, Hi how are you loving friend? Fisrt of all I wish to both, Happy fathers day. Your father so talented to the music field as you said here. UnfortunateUnfortunately you couldn't meet over 2 years. Will see I believe you and father will meet soon. You are really luck to be father's daughter and husband's wife.

Thank you dear friend, I hope so, that this pandemic that has made us miss so much to be able to see my father again soon ends. a hug.

Hermoso post amiga ❤ me alegra mucho que tengas a esas 2 personas en tu vida ❤❤

Gracias amiga bella❤ son una bendición. 🤗🤗