Move Over (Freewrite Challenge)

in GEMS3 years ago

Source: Pixabay

She haven't finish her studies due to poverty. Thinking of supporting her family, she decided to join a talent competition as she has a good singing voice, and wanted to show it to the world. To be able to join, she has to move over the city, and live there while waiting for the result. Living in the city is a struggle as she's used to her life back in her small and rural town. Without much proper education, she just signed the agreement papers not knowing what to expect when she goes on stage.

Her time came to be called on stage. Because of her appearance and her different way of composing herself on stage, people from the audience are laughing. The judges even throw insult on her style. The truth is, she was told how to act and what to say before her turn. She was blanked, and cried after being treated as a laughing stock. The crew approached her, and the taping stopped for a while. When she's feeling better, she was called, and asked to show her talent.

When she sang, everyone are in awe. Even those shown on screen laughing at her seemed amazed and mesmerized by her voice. Thus, she received a standing ovation. It's a magical moment for her, and was admitted for the next round.