#TopHivers Initiative Human resource is the key to lead

in GEMS4 years ago (edited)

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Buenos días queridos amigos de la colmena. Estoy muy feliz, me siento parte de esta enorme compañía. Una empresa que te permite ser tu propio empleador merece todo el apoyo, dedicación y compromiso. Me encanta ver personas realmente dedica y comprometida, que dedican gran parte de su tiempo a crear programas que aporta un valor a nuestra empresa.

Good morning dear friends of the hive. I am very happy, I feel part of this huge company. A company that allows you to be your own employer deserves all the support, dedication and commitment. I love to see people who are truly dedicated and committed to our company, who spend much of their time creating programs that bring value to our company.

Me siento muy comprometido, dedico muchas horas a todo lo que tenga que ver con el compromiso y relación con las personas. Participó en varios desafíos que merecen ser dados a conocer ¨G-dog's weekend-engagement topic week¨- ¨The Hive Engagement League¨ ¨I Am Alive Challenge¨ ¨Hive Revolution with Hive5 Network¨

I feel very committed, I dedicate many hours to everything that has to do with commitment and relationship with people. He participated in several challenges that deserve to be announced ¨G-dog's weekend-engagement topic week¨- ¨The Hive Engagement League¨ ¨I Am Alive Challenge¨ ¨Hive Revolution with Hive5 Network¨

Estar involucrado me permite interactuar con numerosas personas al día, y descubrir muchos hivers muy comprometidos y activos, que crean a diario excelentes contenidos que aportan un valor agregado a nuestra red social. Estas personas merecen ser parte de ¨TopHivers Initiative¨ Un excelente programa de reconocimiento creado por nuestro amigo ¨theycallmedan¨ que nos permite dar a conocer a números autores de excelente contenido

Being involved allows me to interact with numerous people a day, and discover many highly engaged and active hivers, who create great content daily that brings added value to our social network. These people deserve to be part of ¨TopHivers Initiative¨ An excellent recognition program created by our friend ¨theycallmedan¨ that allows us to present authors with excellent content

Hace mucho tiempo sigo a una excelente creadora de contenido, sin dudas muchos de ustedes ya la conocen, hablar de estilo de vida es su fuerte, y merece ser dada a conocer. Te invito a que conozcas a mi amiga y compañera @priyanarc. Te aseguro que te vas a sorprender con su manera directa y espontanea de ser.

A long time ago I followed an excellent content creator, without a doubt many of you already know her, talking about lifestyle is her strength, and she deserves to be made known I invite you to meet to my friend and colleague @priyanarc. I assure you that you will be surprised with her direct and spontaneous way of being in her videos.

Una persona que te encantara conocer es mi amiga italiana @silviabeneforti un ser increíble y talentoso, sus obras son muy ingeniosas y únicas, aporta un excelente contenido a nuestra red social, muy activa a pesar de tener un tiempo escaso. Sus obras y su encanto, te atraparan sin ninguna dudas. Compruébalo, veras que ella no puede faltar ¨TopHivers Initiative¨

One person you would love to meet is my Italian friend @silviabeneforti, an incredible and talented being, her works are very ingenious and unique, she brings excellent content to our social network, very active despite have a short time. Her works and her charm will catch you without any doubts. Check it out, you will see that she cannot miss ¨TopHivers Initiative¨

Un creador de contenido que no puede faltar en el ¨TopHivers Initiative¨ es mi amigo de la India @certain, Un joven muy comprometido y dedicado, los temas que habla a diario son diversos, aunque se destaca en estilo de vida, lo conocí hace mucho tiempo y siempre estuvo presente en el la dedicación y el compromiso.

A content creator that cannot be missed in the TopHivers Initiative is my friend from India @certain, A very committed and dedicated young man, the topics he talks about every day are diverse, although He excels in lifestyle, I met him a long time ago and he was always present in dedication and commitment.

Estos son mis ¨TopHivers¨ excelentes creadores de contenidos que dan un valor agregado a nuestra maravillosa red social, y para liderar entre las redes sociales, el recurso humano es la clave, muchas gracias a nuestro amigo ¨theycallmedan¨ por darnos la oportunidad de dar a conocer estas gemas perdidas.

These are my ¨TopHivers¨ excellent content creators who give added value to our wonderful social network, and to lead among social networks, human resources are the key, thank you very much to our friend ¨theycallmedan¨ for giving us the opportunity to publicize these lost gems.


Source:  vimeo-free-videos

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