
That could well be the case, :) I hope your first day back inthe office this week is going well

I often try to scare children but they only laugh when I make my bad faces ;)

There's a lot of work to do and the good thing is that the time is running very fast :)

Austria is making the next step in our fight against the virus: from Wednesday on we all have to wear masks to avoid infecting other people ... but we are still waiting for the masks to be delivered ;)

lets hope the masks can help, and they can get them rolled out to where they are needed ASAP

Yesterday I met the first colleague with a mask - looks weird and you have to look twice or even more times to see who it is ;) lol

LOL yeah I had not thought about that that must be strange

It is strange and these masks look ugly too, but you can also make your own masks.
The important thing is that you cannot infect other people so easily when you breathe or cough.

But it still looks weird when you see people walking on the street with a mask on.
