21 Days Photo Challenge | Family ❤️✨

in GEMS3 years ago

💕 Hello Hive Community! 💕

La familia es lo más importante que tenemos, siempre esta presente en todo momento apoyándonos y viéndonos crecer a medida que va pasando el tiempo. Todas las familias son diferentes, comparten tradiciones y actividades distintas para distraerse como si fuesen un grupo de amigos. En particular mi familia es bastante grande, aunque en mi casa solo vivimos 5 personas, casi siempre estamos juntos hablando o simplemente existiendo, tenemos una comunicación medianamente buena y no somos personas totalmente aburridas aunque tampoco somos desordenadas.

Family is the most important thing we have, it is always present at all times supporting us and watching us grow as time goes by. All families are different, they share traditions and different activities to distract themselves as if they were a group of friends. In particular my family is quite big, although in my house we only live 5 people, we are almost always together talking or just existing, we have a fairly good communication and we are not totally boring people although we are not messy either.

Casi siempre suelo tomarme fotos con mi mamá, ya que siempre estoy encima de ella jajajaja. Con mi hermano menor tengo pocas fotos ya que no le gustan, pero somos muy unidos y nunca peleamos, aunque parezca mentira es así. Con mi papá no tengo demasiadas fotos, casi no tengo de hecho y las pocas suceden en épocas como navidad o algún cumpleaños. La última integrante de la familia es mi abuela, pero con ella tampoco tengo tantas fotos como quisiera ya que es un poco complicado.

I almost always take pictures with my mom, since I'm always on top of her hahahaha. With my younger brother I have few pictures since he doesn't like them, but we are very close and we never fight, believe it or not that's how it is. With my dad I don't have too many pictures, I have almost none in fact and the few happen at times like Christmas or a birthday. The last member of the family is my grandmother, but with her I don't have as many pictures as I would like either, since it's a bit complicated.

Finalmente solo tengo que decir que la familia siempre será lo primordial cuando exista el amor incondicional✨❤️

Finally I just have to say that family will always be the most important thing when there is unconditional love✨❤️

Pictures of my property.

Camera: CellPhone Xiaomi Redmi 9.

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