|ESP/ENG| Iniciative: Who are you? What makes you happy? What do you want to be?🌸

in GEMS3 years ago

Hola Hola #HiveBlog.

Hi Hi #HiveBlog.

El día de hoy es bien interesante, pues como verán decidí unirme a la iniciativa propuesta por @andrea.carolina donde debemos contestar a algunas pregunticas planteadas por ella, y que a la vez considero que son importantes no solo para que ustedes puedan conocerme aún más, si no para yo conocerme a mi misma y meditar en si, si donde estoy es el lugar correcto en el cual debería estar, si, estos días he estado muy reflexiva acerca del camino en el cual quiero que mi vida siga. Sin mas preámbulos, comencemos.

Today is very interesting, because as you will see I decided to join the initiative proposed by @andrea.carolina where we must answer some questions raised by her, and that at the same time I consider that they are important not only so that you can get to know me even more If not for me to know myself and meditate on myself, if where I am is the right place where I should be, yes, these days I have been very reflective about the path in which I want my life to continue. Without further ado, let's get started.

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¿Quién eres? / Who are you?

Soy Mairim Morales, me gusta que me llamen Mairim Esmeralda, me gusta mucho mi nombre, tengo 27 años, me considero inteligente, autosuficiente, independiente y dedicada, doy el 100% en todo lo que hago.

I am Mairim Morales, I like to be called Mairim Esmeralda, I really like my name, I am 27 years old, I consider myself intelligent, self-sufficient, independent and dedicated, I give 100% in everything I do.


¿Qué te hace feliz?/ What makes you happy?

Me hace feliz muchas cosas, desde compartir con mi novio y mis sobrinos, doy la vida por mi familia, por lo que, cuando comparto con ellos me siento plena y en paz. Los pequeños detalles que tiene mi novio hacia mi, me hacen muy feliz y satisfecha, es una mezcla entre estar enamorada y ser feliz que de seguro muchos aquí han sentido. Sin embargo, no dependo el ser feliz por el o otras personas, me explico, puedo ser feliz yo misma, dándome obsequios o viendo videos, para mi la felicidad esta en las pequeñas cosas.

Many things make me happy, from sharing with my boyfriend and my nephews, I give my life for my family, so when I share with them I feel full and at peace. The small details that my boyfriend has towards me, make me very happy and satisfied, it is a mix between being in love and being happy that many here have surely felt. However, I do not depend on being happy for him or other people, I explain myself, I can be happy myself, giving me gifts or watching videos, for me happiness is in the little things.


¿Qué deseas ser? / What do you want to be?

Esta pregunta para mi es compleja de responder, pues, actualmente considero que no me pongo metas, es decir, vivo mi vida un día tras otro, sin metas a largo plazo, decidí hace algunos años que vivir así es lo que me sirve. Pero, a corto plazo sin duda, lo que mas deseo ser es Licenciada de Venezuela, ya quiero verme cumplir esa meta.

This question for me is complex to answer, because currently I consider that I do not set goals, that is, I live my life one day after another, without long-term goals, I decided a few years ago that living like this is what works for me. But, in the short term, without a doubt, what I most want to be is a Venezuelan graduate, I already want to see myself meet that goal.


Sin más que responder, y esperando que todos tengan un lindo día, me despido, saludos y feliz fin de semana para todos!

Without further answering, and hoping everyone has a nice day, I say goodbye, greetings and happy weekend to all!

Las fotos que no me pertenecen tienen su fuente | The photos that do not belong to me have their source.
Banner y collages por | Banner and collages by Canva.
Traducido por | Translated by https://translate.google.com

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In fact, I can't even imagine how my circumstances would be if I had not gone to study the course https://englishpapa.com/, because there I personally helped me not only to understand the language, but gave a clear idea of where to move forward, to grow not only as a person, but also professionally, because in these courses I also met many like-minded people who became my friends, and studying together is more fun

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