Looking the beauty of egret birds at sunset

in GEMS4 years ago


Hello everyone..

The sun slowly disappears as if swallowed by the earth, only the bias of sunlight remaining in the clouds billowing in the sky like cigarette smoke that is blown after being smoked by an active smoker. My friends and I have to move fast because the moment will disappear and we will not get the object of our photo. When we arrived at the location that we had surveyed before, we saw a herd of white storks on the mangrove tree. Here are some pictures that I successfully shot using a Canon 100 55-250 STM lens.

Secara perlahan matahari hilang bagaikan ditelan bumi, hanya bias cahaya matahari yang tersisa di awan mengepul di langit bagaikan asap rokok yang dihembus setelah di hisap oleh perokok aktif. Saya bersama teman harus bergerak cepat karena momentnya akan hilang dan kami tidak mendapatkan objek foto kami. Saat kami tiba di lokasi yang telah kami survei sebelumnya, kami melihat segerombolan burung kuntul putih diatas pohon mangrove. Inilah beberapa gambar yang berhasil saya potret dengan menggunakan kamera Canon 100 lens 55-250 STM.


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