in GEMS4 years ago


individual with cervix

So yesterday i came across this tweet which I found very funny and I am certain a lot of people do too because the comments under this post are hilarious. Who would have ever thought that the distinction between man and woman, female and male would ever be this complicated but sadly that is the case and every day things like this keep hitting my screen and to a certain degree i feel it is the new norm.

i live in a very conservative state so things like this are still very strange. I don't have to worry about subtle things like people's sexuality, pronouns, or gender--very subtle things that should make life less complex. Just imagine having to correct every strange misidentifying your gender; imagine that even being up for debate. Even conservations around these issues are considered offensive especially by parties who consider explaining their position as redundant an unproductive.

One of the major arguments for these complex definitions is the need for inclusion and representation of various groups. To a certain degree, I do see the need for proper representation even from groups that I do not identify or agree with but in the bid to have certain groups fall under a generic class of people impact the identity of a larger group. Concerning sexual and gender identity, I understand that one can alter their reproductory or sexual organs through surgical procedure and many will argue that doesn't necessarily give them a different identity. Altering my skin colour or my facial features through cosmetic surgery to look caucasian doesn't make me caucasian, or does it? The counter-argument is that identity is a thing of choice, which i strongly oppose.


Like most things in life we do not define--we understand. From our environment to our personal lives we learn about the preexisting conditions and elements and try to make do of them. Humans have tried to play God over the years and yes in some fields we have been able to manipulate the natural elements in our favour, but certain things are just basic. I can identify as a woman--or even a goat if i want to and people might acknowledge and respect my decision but that doesn't make me a woman. I might even go as far as going under the knife to alter my physical appearance to look like e a woman but biological i am still a man. You don't choose your biological identity, it is given to you, just the same life is given to you. It is not of your own doing but the decision of two consenting adults who brought you into this world. Whatever you make if it is left to you but there is still a lot you cannot change.

My major concern is the next generation and complex we are making identity an issue. For someone who was once a teenage, i do understand the difficulty of identifying one's place in society. Now in social identity many will struggle with their sexual identity which is as a result of the complications we are creating ourselves that are not even biological. Is this what we want?


Transsexuals suffer from a mismatch between the biological sex of their brain and the rest of their body. Fetal development is a very complex process where a lot of things can go wrong. People don’t go under the knife to have their genitals radically altered for fun.

mismatch between the biological sex of their brain and the rest of their body

sex of their brain? meaning? Is your biological identity defined by brain or your physiological properties?

People don’t go under the knife to have their genitals radically altered for fun.

if you do not have a physiological abnormality like in the case of hermaphrodites, i do not see the need for such.

sex of their brain? meaning?

Your self-concept of which sex your are. If you lost your genitals in an accident, would you stop being a man?

Is your biological identity defined by brain or your physiological properties?

To your self, your brain obviously, because all mental phenomena is a result of activity the brain. To the outside world, the rest of your body. When these two mismatch, it can be a very painful experience primarily because you experience the dysphoria from the first person perspective. Some people grow up with a sense of being in the body of the wrong sex from a very young age. I know one such person. It's horrible.

"People don’t go under the knife to have their genitals radically altered for fun."

if you do not have a physiological abnormality like in the case of hermaphrodites, i do not see the need for such.

Because you take your own gender identity for granted. The overwhelming majority of people have their gender identity, their physiological sex (and there sexual orientation which is yet another completely separate issue) in perfect alignment. That's actually quite remarkable given how extremely complicated a process the development of a human being from a fertilized egg into an adult is. Thousands of genes have to express in precisely the correct sequence at precisely the right times to build the phenotype over the course of nearly two decades. The process is at its most sensitive phase in the uterus because its then when all the basic structures form.

Your self-concept of which sex you are. If you lost your genitals in an accident, would you stop being a man?

one's concept of their sex is learned and not inherent like most people's genetic makeup. Most of what is learned about our sexual makeup are based on our physiological makeup and societal influence. The same way someone who isn't born with genitals will struggle with their sexual identity.

To your self, your brain obviously, because all mental phenomena is a result of activity the brain.

i don't think it is obvious. Your brain is just a tool to help process inform and make sense of your environment. It makes senses of whatever it perceives. Even people with psychological disorders perceived things that arent actual, so I do fault that narrative.

I don understand the chromosomal narrative which is scientifically proven but likelihood of such event happening is less than 2%. It is an abnormally which is expected occasionally

one's concept of their sex is learned and not inherent like most people's genetic makeup. Most of what is learned about our sexual makeup are based on our physiological makeup and societal influence.

That is not the case. In the 1970's that was believed to be the case. There is some experience with boys with botched circumcisions who were brought up in the female role. That didn't work.

The same way someone who isn't born with genitals will struggle with their sexual identity.

Not in the way of not knowing their gender identity. There's a lot more to it than just genitals.

"To your self, your brain obviously, because all mental phenomena is a result of activity the brain."

i don't think it is obvious. Your brain is just a tool to help process inform and make sense of your environment. It makes senses of whatever it perceives. Even people with psychological disorders perceived things that arent actual, so I do fault that narrative.

What organ other than your brain do you think with?

I don understand the chromosomal narrative which is scientifically proven but likelihood of such event happening is less than 2%. It is an abnormally which is expected occasionally

Of course, it's an abnormality.

In the 1970's that was believed to be the case. There is some experience with boys with botched circumcisions who were brought up in the female role. That didn't work.


Not in the way of not knowing their gender identity. There's a lot more to it than just genitals.

Then what other way? i am a man based on my physiological characteristics (majorly because i have a penis) without that then it becomes a very subjective matter. If I am a man based on what I think/feel I am and can't explain based on things that can be empirically evaluated, then I could as well be a goat or a bird that cannot fly.

What organ other than your brain do you think with?

you can think and come to conclusions because there are information/data available for your brain to process, without that your brain is partly useless. That's the point--the brain functions in relation to the information given to it. So if I am asked what I am? i will say a 'man' and I arrived at that conclusion based on the information--physiological characteristics--available to me.

Of course, it's an abnormality.

And an abnormal should not be a reason we cannot distinguish a man from a woman. That's a dangerous line we are crossing adding to the confusion that already exists. I don't want my kids worrying about their gender when they should be having fun because we grown-ups are confused. I see them teaching these things in kindergartens/elementary schools which are quite perplexing. Treat abnormalities as they are.


its funny because they work so hard to destroy real identifying things such as culture and community, but they push this and people embrace it. I am a veteran and honestly i dont care about gays in the military it makes no difference. But these people who think they are something they are not have a mental illness and should not have access to weapons and millions of dollars of equipment.

i have friends who are homosexuals..queers
it is still very much strange to me but I do have a better understanding of things like this than I do matter regarding gender and how much of a complex issue it is becoming. An the intolerance for more conservative viewpoint is unbecoming.