ENG-ESP Cumpleaños de mi hija/My daughter's birthday @noriscol

in GEMS3 years ago


Hola amigos de #hive ayer 28 de mayo fué el cumpleaños de mi hija @fabianadiaz28 por lo que preparé una sorpresa muy especial para ella.

Hi #hive friends yesterday May 28th was my daughter @fabianadiaz28's birthday so I prepared a very special surprise for her.


Estaba cumpliendo 20 años de edad pero para mí siempre será mi pequeña jaja así somos todas las madres, ayer la levanté a las 6am con este bello arreglo que le mandé a realizar.

She was turning 20 years old but for me she will always be my little girl haha that's how all mothers are, yesterday I woke her up at 6am with this beautiful arrangement I had her make.

Ella estaba muy emocionada ya que no se lo esperaba, yo me puse a preparar la torta la cual fué de chocolate su favorita con un merengue italiano.

She was very excited as she was not expecting it, I started to prepare the cake which was her favorite chocolate cake with an Italian meringue.

Ese día también hice unos pasapalos entre cremita, tequeños, bolitas de carne, galletas todo para este día tan especial.

That day I also made some snacks between cremita, tequeños, meat balls, cookies, all for this special day.

No había fiesta pero entre sus padres y unas amigas cremas hicimos una pequeña reunión, porque todo cumpleaños para mí debe celebrarse así sea algo sencillo, ya que esto no es todos los días.

There was no party but between her parents and some creamy friends we had a small gathering, because every birthday for me should be celebrated even if it is something simple, since this is not every day.

Los vecinos trajeron regalos y algo para compartir y fue muy bonito contar con la receptividad de cada uno de ellos, creo que las cosas sin planificar salen mejor.

The neighbors brought gifts and something to share and it was very nice to have the receptivity of each one of them, I think things go better without planning.

Mi hija paso un lindo cumpleaños al lado de familiares y amigos, agradecida por todo, deseo que Dios la bendiga y tenga salud ya que eso es lo primordial.

My daughter spent a nice birthday with family and friends, thankful for everything, I hope God blesses her and that she has health since that is the most important thing.

Bueno amigos les quise contar esta experiencia porque ustedes también forman parte de mi vida, ayer iba a publicar pero me la pasé ocupada preparando todo para que mi hija tuviera un gran día.Saludos.

Well friends I wanted to tell you about this experience because you are also part of my life, yesterday I was going to publish it but I was busy preparing everything for my daughter to have a great day.



Happy birthday!!!