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RE: Small Battles Win the War

in GEMS3 years ago

I know that I sound like a parrot, and if someone search for my older posts and comments, it will find my words that crypto will play a crucial part in this crisis in which we are living... I'm saying that for the last couple of months, and with every next day I'm more and more convinced that it is like that...

Luckily, if we take a look between the period that I have described in the post and today, we will notice a difference between a lot of things around crypto... Not just Bitcoin has reached double the price after only 6 months, but also the atmosphere around crypto, in general, is much better and healthier...

On the other side, unfortunately, the other side is visible... The part that I was talking about in the video... and that's the reality that people want to hide, or ignore...

Thank you for your kind words and support on my (our) journey!