Life tends to Blur by way too Fast

in GEMS3 years ago

Life tends to Blur by way too Fast

Hello Everyone,

Every living thing on earth passes through the eclipse. Sometimes its the sun and sometimes its the moon. The darkness and the unclear view is always temporary.

Often the vision you want to see through gets blured way too faster and unexpectedly. The moment make us believe we have reached the end of the road we still need to travel.

The real #gems of life is when we not give up to the temporary unclear blurred vision. Wait for the right time or work through the time to make it clear. Every blur image of life gets more clear and beautiful.

Here is my gallery of blurred images and the later of the story.






When it gets clear, its always beautiful 🙂





Hope you love the photographs you are seeing. Never loose yourself for the temporary blurred vision of your life. Wait and make it right. See throigh the ray of hope and make your life happy and beautiful.

Have a wonderful Weekend 🙂