
in GEMS3 years ago


It’s a well decorated playground. I saw there is a connection in this picture and this planet. I can see it’s a play field as well as I can guess this planet is also a play field. Each and every people have Their own role. Sometimes people get the chance to choose their role, sometimes, they didn’t get any chance to play role. It just occurred.
This picture is taken from Rajshahi T-BADT Area. That was on the bank of padma river. It never gonna be just a photograph when it take place in my blog. It will be a part of a message related with life and humanity. Every man must know that nature and the beauty of nature is a gift for human from the god. So, we should respect it and we should try to take lesson from it.


This planet is also a place yo play your role. It’s the reality and it’s the theme of my blog. It’s the beauty of my blog that I could compare the beauty and the beautiful nature with human life the planet. So, taking Photography is my passion and I would like to cheek out the Theme of making more blog about life and the beauty of life.

You, guys just make your compliment about my blog so that I could have more interest in writing blog. I know that It’s helpful for me, because It will make my brain more sharper and It will give people more respect.

Thanks for reading my blog, and thank you so much for Being with me. Happy blogging journey.