The world is a mystery

in GEMS3 years ago

Thw sky is a mystery to me. Fully covered with stars. Some of them are twinkle, twinkle. Some of them are just looking like a pin point of light. Sometimes I saw It's fully cloudy. Sometimes I saw the sky fully fresh and Don't have any cloud. I like the blue fresh sky most. I like the surface more and more fresh in front of my eyes. I can see a beautiful attractive foon in the night. I can see the moon at a moon light night. O am surprised when the night is over, we lost the beautiful moon.


I like to see the rising sun. I like to see the drawn. It’s nise to see when I aaw a red blood sun can move. It rise from the east and sets to the west.

The world is beautiful. Trust ne, the world is beautiful. We just have to earn the ability to feel the beauty of nature.

I can see the green world. A lot of different kind of animals and insects sometime make me surprised. Sometimes, they make me thinking. Sometimes, they make me happy. I feel happy when I see a flying sparrow. I feel more happy when I can see a king fisher trying to catch his breakfast.


Can you ever believe that, what we see is a very normal and some of those which we can think.

I saw different colour and kind of fishes. I saw some kind of animal under water, I did never think to make any thought that what kind of thing I saw in my whole life. I am just totally surprised about the beautiful creation of the creator.