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RE: My real life story about homelessness and how I coped with adversity in my life

in GEMS3 years ago

Glad you liked it, he does do an amazing job of explaining things very simple, also he doesn't ram spirituality down your throat which I like - it's very much 'this is a world view, I think we should try and validate it' not 'this is the truth listen to me'.

Certainly a lot of lessons in there!


I think that people who try to convince others fail to do so while those who don't end up being more convincing than everybody else. When the student is ready the teacher will appear. I know from my personal experience how exhausting it can be to try and convince someone of anything (God knows how I tried oh my) and I guess you know too : the more you try to convince the other to believe or do so and so, the more they become stubborn and choose to do the opposite. People cling to what they believe not because they truly believe it but because of the sense of identity they get from identification . If they let go to a belief, then who are they? I have been in such place too, as often we can become stubborn as mules just to irritate the other person trying to do the convincing. Here he can see the Ego, the big underground player of our lives. I continue to do ego work in order to become a better me. And awareness and conscioussness thrive once the ego is tamed.

Being more selfless is a constant challenge, that's for sure.

It's just a steady path, little by little every day we get there!

Yes, we will! Hugs!