Improvisacion a tres mandolinas.

in GEMS4 years ago (edited)

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Hola que tal, como esta toda mi gente de hive, de esta bella comunidad de gems, un placer saludarles, resulta ser que el dia de hoy dije porque no hacer un experimento, donde solo incluya la mandolina, asi que bueno eso hice, fui colocando en los dos primeros planos lo que se me ocurriera musicalmente y crear una base, y en el ultimo una improvisacion con este instrumento, espero sea de su agrado porque es hecho con cariño para ustedes. De su amigo @rodolfomandolina.

Hello, how are all my hive people, from this beautiful community of gems, a pleasure to greet you, it turns out that today I said why not do an experiment, where I only include the mandolin, so good that I did, I went Placing in the first two shots what occurred to me musically and creating a base, and in the last one an improvisation with this instrument, I hope it is to your liking because it is made with love for you. From his friend @rodolfomandolina.

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