Retomando las actividades escolares en casa / Returning to school activities at home [ESP-ENG]

in GEMS4 years ago

Después de unas buenas vacaciones retome las actividades escolares en casa con el fin de reforzar los conocimientos de mi hijo. Se supone que esta semana empezarían las clases, por lo que le pase un mensaje por WhatsApp a la maestra de hijo para preguntarle cómo iba a iniciar el año escolar y cuáles eran los materiales que iban a necesitar. Para mi sorpresa a estas alturas la maestra no sabe si las clases van hacer a distancia o si van a regresar a las escuelas. Con respecto a los materiales solo me pidió un cuaderno de caligrafía, un libro de lectura, lápices, borrador y sacapuntas, además me comento que cualquier novedad ella me informaba.

After a good vacation I resumed school activities at home in order to reinforce my son's knowledge. Classes were supposed to start this week, so I sent a WhatsApp message to the child's teacher to ask how the school year was going to start and what materials they were going to need. To my surprise at this point the teacher does not know if the classes are going to be held at a distance or if they are going to return to the schools. As for the materials, he only asked me for a calligraphy notebook, a reading book, pencils, an eraser and a pencil sharpener, also told me that he would inform me of any news.


Aunque debido al aumento de los casos de COVID-19, me supongo que las clases iniciaran en casa, la maestra nos avisara cuando ir a la escuela a buscar las actividades que hay que hacer. En casa logre avanzar bastante con mi hijo, se sabe los colores, las figuras geométricas y las vocales. Ahora estoy enseñándole el abecedario, no ha sido fácil ya que en casa se me distrae mucho, queríamos inscribirlo en tareas dirigidas pero me están cobrando demasiado dinero, por lo que me toca a mí poner todo mi esfuerzo y dedicación en educar a mi hijo.

Although due to the increase in COVID-19 cases, I assume that classes will start at home, the teacher will notify us when to go to school to look for the activities to be done. At home I managed to advance a lot with my son, he knows colors, geometric figures and vowels. Now I am teaching him the alphabet, it has not been easy since at home there are many distractions, we wanted to enroll him in directed tasks but they are charging me too much money, so I have to put all my effort and dedication into my son's education.


Mi hijo va a iniciar el tercer nivel de preescolar, en este nuevo periodo debe aprenderse el abecedario, los números y a leer. Es un poco complicado pero debo poner mi granito de arena por el bien de él. Para iniciar con las actividades del día de hoy, comenzamos colocando la fecha, yo le voy diciendo que es lo que va a escribir, el conoce la mayoría de las letras pero no se sabe el nombre.

My son is going to start the third level of preschool, in this new period he must learn the alphabet, numbers and reading. It's a bit complicated but I have to do my bit. To begin with today's activities, we begin by placing the date. I tell him what he's going to write, he knows most of the letters but he doesn't know the name.


Luego le dicte las vocales y las escribió sin ningún problema. Coloque un vídeo en la computadora y se emocionó. Ese vídeo mostraba como escribían ciertas palabras y el comenzó a copiar.

Then I dictated the vowels and wrote them without any problem. I put a video on the computer and he got excited. That video showed how they wrote certain words and he began to copy.



Después coloque un vídeo que muestra el abecedario, lo vimos juntos y luego comencé a dictarle las letras para identificar cuáles son las que se sabe y con cuales presenta dificultad de asimilar. Por ejemplo la letra "m" la conoce como "un palito y dos barriguitas", la "n" es "un palito corto y una barriguita", la "v" es "dos rayitas inclinadas", la "l" es "un palito largo", la "h" es "un palito largo y una barriguita", la "p" es "un palito largo y una barriguita arriba", pero las letras b, d, j, ñ, s, t, w, y, z, son las que no sabe nada. Allí es donde me debo enfocar un poco más.

Then I put on a video showing the alphabet, we watched it together and then I began to dictate the letters to identify which ones are known and which one has difficulty assimilating. For example, the letter "m" is known as a stick and two bellies", the "n" is "a short stick and a belly", the "v" is "two slanted lines", the "l" is "a long stick", the "h" is "a long stick and a belly", the "p" is "a long stick and a belly up", but the letters b, d, j, ñ, s, t, w , y, z, are the ones who don't know anything. That's where I need to focus a little more.



Lo puse a escribir 3 oraciones, empecé a dictarle letra por letra y luego le preguntaba cómo se llamaba esa letra y por ultimo escribió su nombre. Lo sabe escribir sin ningún problema pero no sabe el nombre de algunas letras.

I put him to write 3 sentences, I began to dictate him letter by letter and then I asked him what that letter was called and finally he wrote his name. He can write it without any problem but he does not know the name of some letters.


A pesar de todo nos fue muy bien, duramos aproximadamente 1 hora, sentí un poco un avance lo cual es muy beneficioso y para premiarlo le di un ponquesito.

Despite everything we did very well, we lasted about 1 hour, I felt a little progress which is very beneficial and to reward him I gave him a cupcake.


Y de esta manera mi hijo y yo retomamos estas actividades escolares. Debemos tener en cuenta que la educación comienza en casa, así que pon tu granito de arena y educa a tu hijo.

And in this way my son and I resume these school activities. We must bear in mind that education begins at home, so do your bit and educate your child.


Dediquemos 1 hora diaria para esta maravillosa actividad y recordemos que con gritos y golpes no logramos nada.

Let's dedicate 1 hour a day for this wonderful activity and remember that with shouting and hitting we do not achieve anything.

Hasta luego amigos.

See you later, friends.


Aww good job :D I think his writing is neater than mine XD

Hahahaha I do not think so.

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I think the key is the point where he got excited. Learning can and should be fun, so if you can find a way to teach letters which are more like playing a game, then progress will be much faster and much more pleasant. Sometimes the school way of learning forgets about the enjoyment because they're too busy trying to hit age/grade targets and need to see visable proof in books of the child having that skill. You are doing wonders for your boy trying to find different ways to help him learn! 💚

The truth is that videos with colors and shapes are a good option.

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